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Can ByoNetics Really Cure Autism?

jean genetWe have received a question regarding the work of Jean Genet, a man who claims to have healed his own autism and is now sharing his secret – known as ByoNetics – with other parents. Is it legit?

According to the ByoNetics website, this is an “in home” program parents can use with their autistic child to enhance other speech, behavioral and occupational therapies they may be using.

“Byonetics works on the premise that the brain is very much like a computer i.e., it uses brain wave frequencies which activate what we call developmental switches. These Switches connect to our mental, physical, and emotional ‘software’ that activates our ability to speak, have emotional balance, and mental focus.”

The site goes on to blame vaccines for autism, stating that reactions to these vaccines can damage these so-called developmental switches “to such an extent that they no longer make a proper connection between the brain/computer and its software, thus turning off the ability to speak, have emotional balance, and mental focus.”

Byonetics supposedly repairs these switches with the use of Cranial Dynamics™ technology “to create the harmonic frequency codes that the brain uses to repair these developmental switches. These harmonic frequencies are encoded into digitally mastered CD's that are played when the child is going to sleep.”

Listening to the CD's, which are priced at $50 each, supposedly repairs these switches.

Is there any scientific evidence to support his theories? None that I could find either on his website or anywhere else. But when I checked into the background of the founder, I found a few “clues” that are valuable to pass along.

ByoNetics was invented by a man named Jean Genet who claims to have cured his own autism with this method. Calling himself a “noted researcher in brain management”, he has no background in medicine.

According to his bio, he entered the Marines after graduated high school and served in Vietnam in 1966. He suffered spinal injuries when his helicopter was shot down and found himself in a rehab center which was being used by NASA to explore ways to address prolonged space travel. Because astronauts were known to develop autistic-like symptoms, and he grew up with autism, he was qualified to enter their research program.

As he explains it on his website, NASA was using Russian research on brain wave therapy for their cosmonaut program which supposedly mapped the different frequencies used by the brain to initiate the healing process. It works so well on him, he was soon out of his body cast and was also healed of autism.

From there, he became a land developer until 1978 when the vertebrae in his neck collapsed and he found himself partially paralyzed. When doctors were unable to help him, he decided to hire some of the researchers who were formally employed by NASA and build his own research facility.

This is how Byonetics was born.

Genet offers nothing but testimonials to back up his claims and yet still insists that his program can be used by people to “end” autism rather than just managing it. This is a huge claim to make with nothing to support it!

In a search of various autism forums where parents were discussing ByoNetics, it received mixed reviews at best with none saying that their child was cured.

Until Genet can come up with some proof of his claims, I wouldn’t go anywhere near these CDs.

For more on autism, watch this week's Women of Grace television series, "Autism: Practical Strategies, Tips, and Wisdom" with author, Kathy Labosh airing this week on EWTN.  Watch Monday through Friday at 11:00 a.m. or 11:30 p.m. via our website here.






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