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Netflix Docuseries Shines Light on Abusive Cult

A new Netflix docuseries entitled, Dancing for the Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult” which debuted last month, is shining a bright light on the alleged abuses suffered by followers of a man who runs both a church and a talent management company in Los Angeles.

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Who is Amma The Hugging Saint?

Amma (Courtesy of Wikicommons Media, wikifrizbee CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED)

A listener of EWTN’s Wacky Wednesday radio show asked: “I was hoping you might be able to talk about a woman named Amma who is referred to as the ‘Hugging Saint’. She has a following of people and it seems like a cult. What can you tell us about her?”

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End Times Cult Turns Deadly

The bodies of more than 300 people have been unearthed in a forest in Kenya where a charismatic “Christian” preacher allegedly convinced followers the end was near and the only way to be saved was to fast until they starved to death.

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Christian Science: A Deadly Legacy

MA asks: "Have you done any research into Christian Science?  My daughter is following it and every time I try to read about it I become angry.  I have a good relationship with my daughter and her children and want to keep it that way but would like some concise information.  You would be such a blessing to me if you have such information."

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The Strange World of Falun Gong

Falun Gong exercises taking place in Toronto (Image courtesy of Joffers951, Wikicommons,

RG writes: "I met a woman on a plane ride back from CA who told me about some 'exercises' her husband did 10 yrs ago which seemed to have cured his MS type debilitation [Guillian Barre]. It goes by two names- one is 'falun gong' another is 'falun dafa' and The Strbegan in China.  He had been unable to walk, could not work and was very depressed. After doing the exercises he regained movement and was healed. The doctors were stunned and said it was a complete recovery. There are meditation type practices as well. . . ."

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Christian Science: A Dangerous Cult

Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910)

MA asks: "Have you done any research into Christian Science?  My daughter is following it and every time I try to read about it I become angry.  I have a good relationship with my daughter and her children and want to keep it that way but would like some concise information.  You would be such a blessing to me if you have such information."

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