Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Why is San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick receiving so much applause from the media for standing up for his beliefs by snubbing the American flag when the same media couldn’t wait to bash Tim Tebow every time he displayed his beliefs by kneeling in grateful prayer on the field?
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In light of recent incidents of violence and racial tension in communities across the United States, the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has invited all dioceses across the country to unite in a Day of Prayer for Peace in Our Communities on September 9, the Feast of St. Peter Claver.
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We have received a few questions concerning an alleged mystical phenomenon that occurs at charismatic prayer services and Masses in the form of flecks of sparkling glitter, gold dust, and even bubbles which some believe are manifestations of God’s grace. What is it, and is it really from God?
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“Jesus has chosen us for Himself. We
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Mrs. Joni Duos, Principal, Our Lady of Fatima School, Lafayette, LA
As a Catholic school Principal of 930 students, my life is very busy but I get to be part of an all girls catholic school and that's an amazing thing. As a mother of two children and 4 grandchildren, my life is full of activity. As a wife, sister and daughter, my life is full of obligations. Time is scarce, energy is never enough and my rope of life seems to want to unravel quite often!
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Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Although it received scant media attention, a dozen parishioners from the home parish of Hillary Clinton’s running mate, Senator Tim Kaine, stood on the steps of their church and let the world know what they think of his anti-life positions.
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A suicide bomber whose explosives failed to detonate inside a packed church in Indonesia has been arrested after rushing the altar during the Mass and stabbing the priest before being restrained.
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Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Although Target insists that a nationwide boycott of the stores over its liberal transgender bathroom policy is not to blame, the company has reported a worrying decrease in traffic in their stores.
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“When a person loves another dearly, he
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Canterbury Cathedral
A group of Anglican parishes in the UK who are anxious to uphold the teachings of Jesus Christ, are quietly making plans for how to formally split from the Church of England over issues such as homosexuality.
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