Now that we’ve got Thanksgiving under our (slightly loosened) belts, it’s time to turn our attention to something – new. While to our worldly senses, the year is winding down with a celebratory month of shopping, singing, decorating, and baking, our liturgical year has really – very quietly – just begun.
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Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
In a panicked email to supporters, Planned Parenthood is urging its members to call their Senators to oppose the nomination of ardently pro-life Rep. Tom Price to head the Department of Health and Human Services.
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Euthanasia in Holland slid even further down the slippery slope this year as news breaks about a 41 year-old man who was permitted to end his life by lethal injection rather than continue to live as an alcoholic.
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Although many people in support of yoga as “exercise” like to point to all the priests and even bishops who say it’s harmless, you won’t find too many exorcists who agree.
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Theme: Advent is a time of waiting and preparing for the coming of the Savior. Mary, the Mother of God, waits patiently for the birth of her Son and Savior, Jesus Christ to Whom she has given her life.
Grace: I pray for the grace of Marian surrender and anticipation of the Savior during this holy Advent and Christmas season.
Advent is the start of the liturgical year, a time of preparation. Mary, our spiritual mother, is our exemplar and tutor. By the witness of her life she instructs us in the way we should go.
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The families of several victims of the deadly shooting at church in Charleston, South Carolina last year are urging forgiveness for gunman Dylann Roof as he faces the death penalty for his crime.
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Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
All of those pro-abortion lawmakers who supported Obamacare, the controversial birth control mandate and Planned Parenthood's taxpayer funded gravy train are shaking in their boots this morning as President-elect Donald Trump announced the choice of Rep. Tom Price (R-GA), one of the most stalwart defenders of life and religious freedom on the Hill, to serve as the new Secretary for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
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Theme: Advent is a time of waiting and preparing for the coming of the Savior. Mary, the Mother of God, waits patiently for the birth of her Son and Savior, Jesus Christ to Whom she has given her life.
Grace: I pray for the grace of Marian surrender and anticipation of the Savior during this holy Advent and Christmas season.
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During Sunday’s Angelus address, Pope Francis marked the beginning of the new liturgical year and the First Sunday of Advent by calling upon the faithful to avoid being dominated by the things of the world this season so that we can let ourselves be “surprised by life" as it presents itself each day.
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A campaign to raise funds for persecuted Christians and other minorities in Iraq is now underway and is asking the faithful to give up a superfluous gift this Christmas to send refugees a gift that will provide them with the essentials of life.
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