BL writes: “
Isn’t it true that ESP was scientifically substantiated some years ago?”
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The Catholic Defense League of Minnesota (CDLMN) has launched a newspaper and billboard campaign designed to counter a deceptive ad propagated by the dissident group, Catholics for Choice, which claimed abortion was a “social justice issue.”
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“For if, as Paul says, Christ is the power of
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“The angels have five duties. The first is to
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A member of the International Association of Exorcist (IAE) says the worldwide lack of exorcists – coupled with a dramatic increase in dabbling in the dark arts – has resulted in a “pastoral emergency.”
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A newly introduced bill may soon grant relief to the country’s churches and nonprofits where political speech has been suppressed by the government-imposed Johnson Amendment which threatens the loss of tax exempt status for mentioning political candidates or issues from the pulpit or other nonprofit group.
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“Brother, what are you trying
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A new study of religious trends in America has found that children of divorced parents are significantly more likely to grow up to be nonbelievers than those whose parents’ marriage remained intact.
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Dr. John Zhang
Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Scientists are revealing that the world’s first baby created from the DNA of three parents, was born in Mexico in April.
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MJB asks: “
I read somewhere that there is a specific demon that targets families. Is this true?”
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