A new poll has found that a vast majority of parents are dissatisfied with the state of education in the United States and are demanding change in everything from the role of the Department of Education to gender ideology.
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U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. has introduced the Defining Male and Female Act of 2024 which aims at codifying the legal definitions of male and female to ensure they are based on biology rather than ideology.
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An online campaign from One Million Moms is calling upon parents to forgo the film, Dear Santa - a movie that was outright banned in the Philippines – and to withdraw their support for streaming giant, Paramount+ until they stop airing Satanic-themed content.
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In a case that could have national impact, a diverse group of religious parents in Maryland have asked the U.S. Supreme Court to restore their right to opt their children out of storybooks that promote progressive views on gender identity and sexuality.
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A recent study of more than 3,000 college students from all 50 states found that the average college student is unable to answer basic questions about the U.S. government.
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Although the mainstream media has given the story little attention, the U.S. State Department was recently forced to admit that the $500,000 grant they gave to Humanist International was used to promote atheism in Asia under the guise of “religious freedom.”
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We often read about individual cases of sexual misconduct by teachers in schools, but new reports are revealing the shocking extent of this problem in the nation’s public school system.
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One morning in October, 2023, 14-year-old Elliston Berry woke up to find her cell phone flooded with text messages from friends telling her that nude images of her were all over the internet. Knowing she had never posed nude for anyone, where did these images come from and how could this be stopped?
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An attempt by the Biden Administration to rewrite Title IX rules to include gender identity protections, thereby forcing biological women to share private spaces with gender-confused biological males in schools and colleges receiving federal dollars, has now been blocked by three federal judges across 11 states.
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A new study from the University of Groningen has found that the majority of children who wished to belong to the opposite sex became comfortable with their biological sex by early adulthood – which means transgenderism among youth could be nothing more than a fad.
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