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Gosnell and the 1972 Mothers Day Massacre

According to a Grand Jury report, Philadelphia's House of Horrors abortionist Kermit Gosnell was involved in another infant massacre in 1972 when he participated in an experiment with a crude abortion device used on poor black women.

Pro-life activist Jill Stanek is reporting that Kermit Gosnell was involved in a gruesome experiment done on women in 1972 that involved the use of a bizarre self-abortion device invented by a man named Harvey Karman.

Karman, who was not a doctor, was a convicted felon who served 2-1/2 years in prison for the murder of a woman in 1955 after he tried to abort her child in a hotel room with a nutcracker. In spite of his dubious past, he somehow managed to convince the International Planned Parenthood Federation and officials of the country of Bangladesh to bring him into that nation to train native doctors and paramedics on how to perform abortions.

Karman developed a late-term abortion device known as a "super coil" which he claimed could be used up to the seventh month of pregnancy without anesthetics or standard medical instruments.

Dr. Randy Hutchins described the device in the Grand Jury report as being "basically plastic razors that were formed into a ball. . . . They were coated into a gel, so that they would remain closed. These would be inserted into the woman’s uterus. And after several hours of body temperature, it would then – the gel would melt and these 97 things would spring open, supposedly cutting up the fetus, and the fetus would be expelled."

However, he goes on to say that "they never tested it. They didn’t test it on any animals. They never did any – any – any other human trials. This was not something that was sanctioned by the FDA."

Essentially, Karman, Planned Parenthood and the country of Bangladesh just decided to use this device on women who were rape victims.

On Mother’s Day, 1972 Karman followed up his Bangladesh experiment in America, with the help of Kermit Gosnell.

According to the Grand Jury report: "On Mother’s Day weekend in 1972, Karman, other activists, and 15 women in their second trimester of pregnancy boarded a bus in Chicago and headed for Philadelphia, where Gosnell had agreed to give them super-coil abortions at his clinic, then at 133 S. 36th St. The women, who were poor, had been unable to get abortions in Chicago or New York.

"Gosnell’s super-coil abortions – filmed and later shown on a New York City educational-TV program, thanks to Karman – turned out badly.

"The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Philadelphia Department of Public Health subsequently did an investigation that detailed serious complications suffered by nine of the 15 women, including one who needed a hysterectomy.

"The complications included a punctured uterus, hemorrhage, infections, and retained fetal remains.

"The CDC researchers recommended strict controls on any future testing of the device . . .

"Karman spent two years in court battles in Philadelphia. He was convicted of practicing medicine without a license, but a Common Pleas Court judge overturned the conviction in 1974, saying then-District Attorney Arlen Specter had failed to show which women Karman had treated.

"Gosnell – who testified that Karman had done an “innocuous” part of the procedures but not fetal extractions – was not charged with anything."

Gosnell would go on to spend the next thirty years slaughtering countless numbers of babies, often maiming and even killing their mothers in the process before he was finally brought to justice in 2010.

He is currently charged with murdering one woman and at least seven infants who were born alive after abortions in his West Philadelphia clinic. If convicted, he could be sentenced to death.

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