NM writes:
"Do you have any information about the Lime Hack? Feels New Age in nature.”
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CSH writes:
“I was just going through my closets cleaning house and came across a necklace called a Kimbaleh, that I wore years ago. I actually enjoyed wearing it and liked the sound of the windchime. Becoming more aware at my older age of the new age movement, I am wondering if this is an item that I should not have in my possesion and need to throw in the trash? I didn't find much about them on the internet but what I did see has made me concerned.”
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KV writes:
“Recently a fellow Catholic told me about a ritual on the Eve of St. Agnes - fast all day and then at night the fasting woman will dream of her future husband. This sounds strange and superstitious to me. I could not find information on this from a credible Catholic source. Have you heard anything about this?”
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CS writes:
"My wife's mother recently passed away after a long terrible bout with MS. Prior to her being debilitated with this disease, my wife tells me that she was into new age type beliefs. . .
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JK asks:
“Is Feng Shui compatible with Christianity? Isn’t it just about locating furniture and using wall colors that create the right vibe in a room?”
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A Hamsa Hand charm with an evil eye.
During her recent visit to the U.S., Meghan Markle was seen sporting an amulet known as a Hamsa Hand, a good luck charm that allegedly conveys protection and good luck on the wearer.
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GM writes: "
My mother and I got into a discussion about idolatry a few weeks ago. She seems to think that having pagan artwork in the home isn't idolatry, and I can't help but feel like it is, although the extent of it is a rendering of a buddha by my sister, and a couple buddha statues in opposite alcoves in our entryway. What is Church teaching regarding this?"
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I was at a conference recently and one of the attendees said she kept the prayer of Jabez affixed to her bathroom mirror and wanted to know if this prayer is okay.
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LR writes:
"I heard that burying a statue of St. Joseph upside down in yard to sell a house is superstitious. What about putting St. Benedict medals in corners of a home for protection and blessing. Is this superstitious?"
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SO writes:
“I saw this doll advertised on a local channel. The webpage for it is scary. The ‘Warning’" are unsettling. Are they just scary fun? Or should we avoid bringing this into the house?”
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