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God created man in His own image


January 3
"So God created man in His own image."
-Genesis 1:26
For Reflection
What does this passage tell us about ourselves and who we were created to be? What does it tell you about all of human life?

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God is Love


January 2
"God is love."
-John 4:16
For Reflection
What is love? What are its characteristics? What is the true purpose of love? Where did you see love operating in your life in 2020? How will you love
more in 2021?

If you enjoy Daily Gracelines, please prayerfully consider making a donation to support and sustain our apostolate so that we may continue to provide this and all of our resources designed to nourish and grow your Catholic faith. DONATE

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O Jesus living in Mary


O Jesus, living in Mary, Come and live in Thy servants, In the spirit of Thy holiness, In the fullness of Thy might, In the truth of Thy virtues, In the perfection of Thy ways, In the communion of Thy mysteries. Subdue every hostile power In Thy spirit, for the glory of the Father.


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Scripture and Advent

The season of Advent is upon us. It is the time of year when we prepare for the coming of the Lord, both as the infant Son of God born in a lowly manger, and also as our Triumphant King in His second coming when he will reign for all eternity.

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Do everything in love

“Do everything in love." - 1 Corinthians 16:14

Can you believe Election Day is less than a week away? We've faithfully prayed with each other throughout this season and have done all we can to get ourselves and our loved ones formed in the mind and heart of the Church. Now we must move forward and perform our civic duty, and vote with a properly formed conscience.

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Are you a one-issue voter?

Have you been accused of being a “one issue voter” because you vote in accordance with Catholic Church teaching with regard to protecting and defending life? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, you are in very good company.

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Racism is a sin

Recently on the Women of Grace Live radio program, we received a letter from Angela, who shared her heart-wrenching story with Johnnette. She and her husband had recently experienced racism first hand. Through her pain and fear, Angela was able to pray for her persecutors, but asked Johnnette to intercede that they would understand their role going forward and for justice to prevail in their situation.

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Doing what we ought

The recent nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett for the United States Supreme Court is probably one of the most polarizing events to take place during this year's election season. It underscores how divided we are with regard to religious freedom, feminism and even the interpretation of the U.S. Constitution.

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Behold your mother

Thank you for your ongoing support of Women of Grace/Living His Life Abundantly. You truly are helping to transform the world by partnering in our mission and I am abundantly grateful.

Recently, we celebrated the Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows. This title of the Blessed Mother is particularly meaningful for me and holds much significance. As many of you know, Our Lady was my constant spiritual companion as I sojourned through the pilgrimage of pain I experienced when my son, Simon, was killed in a vehicular accident and then, when my late husband, Anthony, journeyed through the cross of terminal brain cancer.

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