More than a year after the Dobbs decision overturned Roe v. Wade, the rank and file inside Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) have been left worried and uncertain after the company laid off workers and is talking about restructuring “to better serve” those most in need in post-Roe America.
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Abortion Numbers in Sharp Decline Since Dobbs Decision
Marching Together into a Post-Roe America
Bishops Ask Faithful to Stop the (Dis)Respect for Marriage Act

Abortion Supporters Score Political Points with Fake News

Abortion supporters are resorting to all kinds of fabrications to manipulate public opinion in the wake of the overturning of Roe v. Wade. The story of a 10-year-old girl impregnated through rape who was forced across state lines for an abortion, and claims that women with ectopic pregnancies who seek abortions may end up behind bars, are just two examples of the kind of baseless hysteria we can all expect in the months ahead.
More Wins and Losses in Abortion Wars
May Almighty God Have Mercy on the State of New York

Pro-abortion legislators claimed a major victory on the 46th anniversary of Roe v. Wade when they passed one of the most draconian abortion laws in the U.S. which essentially permits abortion at any time until birth, claims a child isn’t human until it’s born, eliminates protection for babies born alive after abortion, and allows non-physicians to perform the procedure.
9 Days for Life Novena Starts Today!
In His image

January 4
"So God created man in His own image." -Genesis 1:26
Today's Reflection:
What does this passage tell us about ourselves and who we were created to be? What does it tell you about all of human life?
Roe in Real Trouble as Views on Abortion Change

Two significant events occurred in the past week that signal not only a change in American opinion on abortion, but also the start of a genuine movement to overturn Roe v. Wade and bring abortion jurisprudence more in line with the Constitution and the sentiments of mainstream America.
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