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Judge Delivers Lethal Blow to Birth Control Mandate

In what is being called a smashing victory for religious freedom, U.S. District Court Judge David Russell has issued a ruling in which he declared the Obama Administration’s controversial “birth control mandate” to be a violation of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and has stopped all enforcement of the mandate against dozens of Catholic dioceses and institutions.

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Two States Challenge Trump’s Birth-Control Mandate

The Little Sisters of the Poor aren’t out of legal trouble yet! Attorneys General in the states of California and Pennsylvania are challenging the Trump administration’s new rules that permit exemptions for employers with religious and moral objections.

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It Begins . . . California Sues Over HHS Mandate

The state of California is suing the Trump administration, claiming that it unlawfully discriminates against women in its decision to limit the onerous birth control mandate that formerly required religious employers to cover health care services that violate their beliefs.

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Fortnight for Freedom 2017 Underway!

church steeple flagToday’s feast of the martyrdom of St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher marks the beginning of 10 days which have been set aside to focus on religious freedom issues both here and abroad.

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Concerns Grow Over Trump’s Handling of HHS Mandate

HHS mandateMany of the voters who put President Donald Trump in office are scratching their heads over a decision by the Department of Justice (DOJ) to request a 60-day delay in order to continue negotiations with religious organizations that have requested relief from the onerous birth control mandate. Why don’t they just drop the case?

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Bathroom Bills & HHS Mandate May be Doomed

46176271 - united states supreme court building columns and porticoWith the election of Donald J. Trump to the White House, and a conservative majority controlling both House and Senate, legal experts believe the new administration will likely scrap lawsuits concerning controversial rules and regulations such as the “Dear Colleague” transgender bathroom letter and the HHS mandate targeting religious institutions.

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Court Rules Against Catholic Health Care System

HHS mandate fightThe U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against four Catholic institutions affiliated with the Archdiocese of New York, saying that being required to sign an opt-out form to avoid providing contraceptive coverage to their employees does not constitute a substantial burden on the exercise of their religion.

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