Bishop Thomas Daly of the Diocese of Spokane has issued a
letter to his flock in which he calls politicians who support abortion “scandalous” and advises them not to receive Communion in his diocese.
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Neither New York’s Cardinal Timothy Dolan nor Albany’s bishop Edward Scharfenberger are in support of excommunicating New York’s “Catholic” Governor Andrew Cuomo after he championed one of the most radical pro-abortion laws in the nation. However a respected Canon lawyer believes the governor's personal choice not to receive communion should now be made mandatory.
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Cardinal Timothy Dolan
(Wikicommons/Heidi Green, CC BY-SA 4.0)
Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Apparently, I’m not the only one getting an earful about the Met Gala where Hollywood stars showed up in outrageous costumes that caricatured Catholicism and offended almost everyone I know (even non-Catholics). Cardinal Dolan is also being called upon to explain why this was allowed to happen – and why he attended the event.
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A new controversy is brewing over an historic move by the organizers of the annual St. Patrick's Day Parade in New York City who announced that, for the first time in the history of the Catholic event, they will allow a homosexual group to march under its own banner in next year's parade.
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New York's Cardinal Timothy Dolan has published a
blog decrying the City's plans to provide morning after pills to girls as young as 14 without their parents' knowledge.
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New York's Cardinal Timothy Dolan has accepted an invitation from the Democratic National Committee to deliver a closing prayer at their convention next week, making the Cardinal one of the few Catholic prelates in history to pray over both Conventions.
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On the eve of the U.S. bishop's unprecedented campaign for religious freedom, New York's Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan has released a 5,000 word eBook explaining the critical choice mankind must make between true human dignity and a false concept of freedom that is sourced in the culture of death.
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