Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
The results of the 2019 elections, which flipped the Virginia legislature from pro-life to pro-abortion, is posing an even bigger threat to the lives of women and their unborn children. This state could now be the 38th state to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) which could make access to abortion a constitutional right.
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Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
While many of us were unaware, the Equal Rights (ERA) Amendment – which many believe is just about granting women equality in America – almost met the 38-state threshold needed to amend the U.S. Constitution a few days ago when Virginia lawmakers took up the issue. Thankfully, it failed to garner sufficient votes.
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Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Parents with school-aged children should make a regular habit of checking Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum blog where she keeps people informed of what's really going on inside our nation's public schools.
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by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
At some time today, the U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote on an energy-rationing bill that will result in taxing the use of all products whose manufacture emits carbon, such as electricity, gasoline and heating oil.
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