Two weeks ago,
EWTN’s Women of Grace aired a series of shows detailing many of the lesser-known facts about the current mindfulness craze. We received the following letter from a woman who said that at the time of the show’s airing, she was grappling with whether or not to quit teaching yoga. After watching just the first half of the first show, she immediately knew what had to be done.
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One of the best things about the Women of Grace®
New Age Q&A Blog, which has been answering questions for nearly a decade from people all around the world, is that it keeps our “finger” on the pulse of what’s happening in the realm of spiritual movements. And one of those “happenings” is a course called Catholic Mindfulness by Dr. Gregory Bottaro which has now been made into a book. What is this all about? Is it really Catholic? And why are so many people concerned about it?
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