C asks: "
I have a friend who was an ayurveda practitioner and teacher for years before returning to the Catholic faith. She insists that ayurveda is scientifically proven etc. Not knowing anything about it, I've been searching the internet for more information. Is Ayurveda science or pseudoscience?"
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ST writes:
“What is an ayurvedic massage and it is okay for a Catholic to get one?”
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Anonymous: “
My brother-in-law has offered to pay all expenses for me to see an Ayurvedic Practitioner that he sees for treatment in New Jersey. I have seen one before here in my state. My viewpoint is that despite how ill I am, it would be putting my faith into Eastern Medicine, instead of in Jesus Christ, for my healing. Am I correct in my view? Would you explain further, and why it would be unwise to seek healing from this type of Practitioner?"
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JB: “
Have you ever heard of a practice called Tongue Diagnosis? It’s a way of diagnosing problems with different organs in your body by looking at your tongue. Is this scientific and can Catholics use it?"
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“My brother-in-law has offered to pay all expenses for me to see an Ayurvedic Practitioner that he sees for treatment in New Jersey. I have seen one before here in my state. My viewpoint is that despite how ill I am, it would be putting my faith into Eastern Medicine, instead of in Jesus Christ, for my healing. Am I correct in my view? Would you explain further, and why it would be unwise to seek healing from this type of Practitioner?"
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