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Prayers Needed for Major Pro-Life Hearing Tomorrow

U.S. Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk for the Northern District of Texas, a Trump appointee, will hold a hearing on a case concerning FDA approval of chemical abortion drugs in this country that could result in forcing these dangerous drugs off the market.

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NY Bill Forces Churches to Hire Pro-Abortion Employees


Last week, Governor Andrew Cuomo signed Senate Bill 660 – also known as the “Boss Bill” – which will now force all employers, including religious employers such as churches and pregnancy care centers, to hire people who oppose their beliefs and pro-life position.

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Teacher Fired For Refusing to Use Trans Pronouns Sues School

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

The PC culture in America has claimed many victims, but a popular French teacher from a public high school in Williamsburg, Virginia, who was fired for refusing to use male pronouns for a female student, is determined not to be one of them and has filed suit against the school.

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Big Win for Religious Freedom!

The Arizona Supreme Court ruled on Monday that the city of Phoenix cannot use an anti-discrimination law to force two artists to design and create custom wedding invitations expressing messages that conflict with their core beliefs.

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Supreme Court to Take Up Critical Gender Identity Cases

The next Supreme Court term could prove to be one of the most pivotal terms since the 2015 decision that legalized same-sex marriage as it takes on three cases that will determine whether or not the word “sex” in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 can be stretched to include a persons “gender identity.”

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Teen Girls File Complaint Against Transgenders in Women’s Sports

Three teens, one of whom lost her chance to qualify in an important track meet because of the presence of two boys who identify as girls on her team, are in the process of filing an official complaint with the Department of Education.

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Planned Parenthood Behind CA Rule Forcing Churches to Pay for Abortion

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Attorneys have released a series of emails proving that Planned Parenthood played a pivotal role behind the drive to pressure the state of California to force religious employers to pay for elective abortions in their health insurance plans.

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New York Targets Christian Adoption & Pregnancy Care Center

A pregnancy care and adoption agency that has been operating in Syracuse New York for 50 years is being pressured by the New York Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) to provide adoption and child care services along child care Elsternwick.

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Embattled Christian Florist Gets a Second Chance in Court

The 73-year-old florist from Washington state who has been battling the courts for five years over her refusal to create floral arrangements for a same-sex wedding is getting a second chance to have her case heard in the state’s highest court.

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University Sued for Forcing Prof to Speak Against His Beliefs

Shawnee State University in Portsmouth, Ohio, is being sued by a professor who was punished after he declined a male student’s demand to be referred to as a woman.

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