Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDSHistory was made in May 2017 when Women of Grace® founder, Johnnette Benkovic, now Johnnette Williams, delivered a message about the dignity and vocation of women on the world stage at the United Nations - a message delivered while standing in the shadow of the same Pilgrim Virgin Statue that first visited this global entity 65 years ago!
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Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDSHistory was made in May 2017 when Women of Grace® founder, Johnnette Benkovic, now Johnnette Williams, delivered a message about the dignity and vocation of women on the world stage at the United Nations - a message delivered while standing in the shadow of the same Pilgrim Virgin Statue that first visited this global entity 65 years ago!
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Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDSHistory was made this year when Women of Grace® founder, Johnnette Benkovic, delivered a message about the dignity and vocation of women to the world stage at the United Nations - a message delivered while standing in the shadow of the same Pilgrim Virgin Statue that first visited this global entity 65 years ago!
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Our Lady’s superior peacemaking skills will be on display at the United Nations on May 12th in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Fatima apparitions – and Johnnette will be there!
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The United Nations Economic and Social Council voted late last week to place Saudi Arabia, a country that doesn’t even allow women to drive, on the Commission on the Status of Women!
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By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist
The opening statement to delegates at the United Nation's Framework Convention on Climate Change which opened in Cancun on November 29 included a invocation to the ancient Mayan goddess known as Ixchel.
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CE writes: "
You have had a couple of shows on the subject of new age religion and on socialism and it's deceptiveness. Are you aware of Agenda 21, the Green Cross organization, the Earth Charter religion ( based on Gaia)? This is all tied together to the One World movement. It is in the schools as being nice to everyone and the environment. It is in federal, state and county laws. It is on TV and in politics. It is everywhere but it all sounds nice and friendly. Who can be against taking care of the environment and each other? Aren't we called to do that as Catholics? It all sounds ok but it is all aimed at moving us and our children and youth to accepting the new world order which is beyond communism. . . "
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By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist
A new report by the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) is advocating comprehensive sex education for children as young as 10 and accuses Catholics and Muslims of denying youth access to these programs.
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By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist
Citing the need to be “neutral,” officials charged with organizing the United Nations (UN) conference on global warming in Copenhagen have banned Christmas trees from the venue.
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By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
New technology that allow parents to choose the genetic characteristics of their babies threatens to breed new forms of racism, the Vatican said during a United Nations conference on racism which was held in Geneva this week.
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