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Another Detransitioning Woman Sues Doctors for Malpractice

The lawsuits against physicians who rush minors into transitioning gender continue to pile up. The latest case involves a 21-year-old woman who claims doctors at the University of Nebraska Medical Center rushed her through the process of transitioning to a boy when she was 16-years-old. She has filed suit against the hospital and the doctors for medical malpractice.

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Young Mother Sues After Being Labeled a “Terrorist”

After a New Jersey mother of two complained on Facebook about inappropriate posters detailing various kinds of sexuality being displayed at her children’s school, she was branded a “terrorist” by local police and military. She is now suing those involved for violating her right to free speech.

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FBI Shamed Into Offering Reward for Info on Pregnancy Center Attacks

A move that is being called “a day late and a dollar short,” the FBI has announced that it is offering a $25K reward for information related to a series of attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers that will lead to the identification, arrest, and conviction of the suspect(s) responsible for the crimes.

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Victory for Christian Cake Designer!

                                                                                                Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

A Christian cake designer from Bakersfield, California was awarded a major First Amendment victory when a Superior Court decided she had the right to refuse to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding because it violated her sincerely held religious beliefs.

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Parents Sue to Stop Chant to Aztec Gods in Schools

Three parents have filed a lawsuit against California’s Department of Education after discovering that a new ethnic studies curriculum includes a chant to Aztec gods.

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Jury Rules Against Pro-Life Videographers

A jury in San Francisco’s U.S. District Court handed down a mulit-million dollar verdict against undercover journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merrick on Friday, a decision that could cost them over $2.2 million in alleged damages against Planned Parenthood.

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Pro-Life Videographer Faces Huge Fine for Exposing Baby Parts Trafficking

Pro-life videographer, David Daleiden, who exposed the abortion industry’s involvement in the buying and selling of baby parts from aborted fetuses, has been ordered to pay a $195,000 fine for publishing the damning videos.

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CA Supreme Court Suspends Baby Parts Hearing

A preliminary hearing involving the pro-life videographer who published videos of abortion industry executives bartering for aborted baby body parts has been “suspended until further notice” by the California Supreme Court on the grounds of political bias and selective prosecution.

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See You in Court! Challenges Expected to New Iowa Abortion Law

Even before the ink was dry on a new Iowa abortion law that will ban all abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected, the abortion industry announced plans to challenge the law – but confident supporters say “See you in court!”

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SCOTUS Orders Response from Abortion Lobby

The U.S. Supreme Court has given the abortion lobby until January 26 to respond to a petition filed by attorneys for pro-life activist David Daleiden asking to reverse the gag order that is preventing Daleiden from releasing more damning videos exposing the trafficking of human body parts throughout the abortion industry.

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