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Pro-Life Videographer Faces Huge Fine for Exposing Baby Parts Trafficking

Pro-life videographer, David Daleiden, who exposed the abortion industry’s involvement in the buying and selling of baby parts from aborted fetuses, has been ordered to pay a $195,000 fine for publishing the damning videos.

According to the Thomas More Society who is defending Daleiden and his Center for Medical Progress (CMP), a panel of justices serving on the liberal Ninth Circuit announced that it would not consider an appeal of a nearly $200,000 penalty levied against him for using the video footage in the furtherance of his defense.

The fine was originally levied by District Judge William Orrick, a well-publicized support of Planned Parenthood, but was appealed due to the fact that Judge Orrick had improperly imposed the penalty without granting the accused due process, and because a federal civil injunction should not apply to Daleiden’s state criminal proceedings.

The Ninth Circuit refused to consider this appeal, as well as a second appeal asking that the federal civil case be reassigned to a different judge.

“In our view, unfortunately, the Ninth Circuit misread the district court order. It saw things in it that weren’t there and overlooked things that were, with the unfortunate consequence of upholding two injustices to our client,” said Thomas More Society Special Counsel Sarah Pitlyk, serving on Daleiden’s defense team.

“First, Mr. Daleiden and his criminal defense counsel remain subject to an exorbitant penalty for doing nothing other than trying to defend him against baseless, politically motivated criminal charges,” Pitlyk explained. “Even worse than that,” she added, “the Ninth Circuit also essentially ratified the federal court’s improper interference in Mr. Daleiden’s state criminal case, tying the defense’s hands going forward.”

The last thing Daleiden or his team want is to give $195,000 to the abortion industry. For this reason, his team is scrambling to raise the money which will be held in an escrow bond while the federal cases and appeals continue.

“That is $195,000 that should be used to defeat these blatant attacks on our First Amendment rights and to produce more video exposes of Planned Parenthood's sale of baby body parts,” Daleiden writes in a GoFundMe page which has been established to help him raise the money.

In spite of the pressure he’s under, Daleiden published an op-ed this weekend in the Washington Examiner exposing liver-harvesting from live-aborted babies by NIH-funded researchers at Planned Parenthood-linked University of Pittsburgh.

“And CMP has more videos to release soon, and we are fighting in court this summer to liberate the never-released undercover videos that Judge Orrick has censored,” Daleiden said.

“I promise you I am fighting to make sure that not one cent goes to the abortion industry. But I need your help to keep pressing forward full steam ahead, until we bring Planned Parenthood and those who traffic in aborted baby body parts to justice under the law.”

If you’d like to help, visit his GoFundMe page!

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