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Meet the Team: Thomas K Sullivan

It's time to meet the team that makes Women of Grace the impactful apostolate that it is!
Today we're featuring Thomas K Sullivan, our Director of Operations and Producer of the EWTN's Women of Grace Television Show. We hope you enjoy learning more about Tom from his answers to the questions below. Stay tuned for regular "Meet the Team" features!

1 How long have you been on the Women of Grace team and how did you begin?

"I have been with Living His Life Abundantly / Women of Grace for 20 years. I was recruited by Johnnette after we had worked in ministry together for 5 years prior."


2 What do you love best about Women of Grace's apostolate?

"You may ask, 'Why is a man working in an apostolate for women?' My answer is best summed up by the late Archbishop Fulton J Sheen when he  said, 'To a great extent, the level of any civilization is the level of its womanhood. When a man loves a woman, he has to become worthy of her. The higher her virtue, the more noble her character, the more devoted she is to truth, justice, goodness, the more a man has to aspire to be worthy of her. The history of civilization could actually be written in terms of the level of its women.'

I have experienced the truth of this statement in my own life, in my marriage, with the women I work with, and with the thousands of women, I have met through this apostolate. Each of them trying to respond to Christ's call to holiness, and to give their own 'Fiat' or 'yes' to God.  By doing so, these women seek to not only become virtuous and valiant women, but they seek to inspire the men in their lives to do the same, and for these men to become the best Knights, Warriors, and sons of God they can be on this battlefield we call life. That is why I have dedicated much of my life to serving the Lord through this mission."


3 What is your favorite devotion?

"The Rosary is my favorite devotion. Specifically, the Warrior's Rosary."


4 Who is your favorite saint?

"St. Jose Sanchez del Rio has become one of my favorite saints."


5 If you could have lunch with Jesus today, what would you want to talk about?

"I would like to know more about what Jesus was doing before He created."

© All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly®/Women of Grace®

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Meet the Team: Kate Mathis

It's time to meet the team that makes Women of Grace the impactful apostolate that it is!
Today we're featuring Kate Mathis, our Social Media Coordinator. We hope you enjoy learning more about Kate from her answers to the questions below. Stay tuned for regular "Meet the Team" features!

1 How long have you been on the Women of Grace team and how did you begin?

"I've been working with Women of Grace for about a year and a half. I started a business helping Catholic businesses and apostolates with their marketing efforts and Women of Grace was at the top of my list of dream apostolates to work with! I reached out to them and they've made me feel so welcomed."


2 What do you love best about Women of Grace's apostolate?

"I love that they don't shy away from tough topics or water down the faith. Johnnette and the team live what they preach and they give everything to live for Christ. From an early age, I've loved that I could go to Women of Grace with my questions and get answers and resources I can trust. At our events, I've also seen firsthand how women are touched by Women of Grace in learning to live authentic femininity and aim high to become saints."


3 What is your favorite devotion?

"My favorite devotion is praying something similar to the Liturgy of the Hours with the Magnificat publication. I also especially love adoration."


4 Who is your favorite saint?

"My favorites saint sisters are St. Joan of Arc, St. Zélie Martin, St. Gianna Beretta Molla, St. Thérèse, St. Margaret Clithrow, and St. Elizabeth of the Visitation."


5 If you could have lunch with Jesus today, what would you want to talk about?

"I'd want to talk about suffering and why God physically heals in some situations and not in others. And just to know if He's proud of me!"

© All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly®/Women of Grace®

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Meet the Team: Joanne Kane

It's time to meet the team that makes Women of Grace the impactful apostolate that it is!
Today we're featuring Joanne Kane, the Assistant to our Director of Development. We hope you enjoy learning more about Joanne from her answers to the questions below. Stay tuned for regular "Meet the Team" features!

1 How long have you been on the Women of Grace team and how did you begin?

"I have been a part of Living His Life Abundantly since 1998.  I started as a volunteer making outbound donation calls and very shortly thereafter joined the development team.  I have been traveling with Johnnette for about 15 years to speaking engagements, retreats, and conferences being the on-site coordinator and handling sales and all that entails."


2 What do you love best about Women of Grace's apostolate?

"What I love best about Women of Grace is being able to interact with women of all ages to help them understand their true calling as Women of Grace and daughters of God. Meeting women at events brings a greater fulfillment to what I have been called to do. When you can reach just one person and see the light shine in their eyes it is so rewarding and a confirmation of where I am supposed to be. And to be part of this sacred sisterhood is a blessing!"


3 What is your favorite devotion?

"The Anima Christi is my favorite prayer and of course the Rosary and Mass"


4 Who is your favorite saint?

"I have many go-to saints - St. Padre Pio, St. Theresa, St. Joseph, and of course St. Anthony who is always helping me find what is lost."


5 If you could have lunch with Jesus today, what would you want to talk about?

"I would probably be tongue-tied at first and in awe! But asking Him where I have gone astray and how I can get on the right path and closer to Him and His mother."

© All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly®/Women of Grace®

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