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Star Wars or Heaven’s Plan?

Today is National Star Wars Day and many of the film’s fans will be offering the movie’s famous greeting, “May the force be with you,” or its pun for the day, “May the fourth be with you.” Judging by world conditions and the strife that abounds both at home and abroad, we could use some force and power to bring relief, order, and justice to our beleaguered globe.

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How Are You Observing the National Day of Prayer?

At a time when our country is so sorely divided, today’s National Day of Prayer theme, “Love one another” is the perfect antidote to the prevailing public vitriol and reminds us that even in the midst of differences, love can and must prevail.

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Star Wars or Heaven’s Plan?

Today is National Star Wars Day and many of the film’s fans will be offering the movie’s famous greeting ,“May the force be with you,” or its pun for the day, “May the fourth be with you.” Judging by world conditions and the strife that abounds both at home and abroad, we could use some force and power to bring relief, order, and justice to our beleaguered globe.

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Star Wars or Heaven’s Plan?

Star Wars or Heaven's Plan-update

Today is National Star Wars Day and many of the film’s fans will be offering the movie’s famous greeting ,“May the force be with you,” or its pun for the day, “May the fourth be with you.” Judging by world conditions and the strife that abounds both at home and abroad, we could use some force and power to bring relief, order, and justice to our beleaguered globe.

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Franklin Graham: Obama Administration Opposes Christianity

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist The evangelical preacher who was abruptly disinvited to speak at the Pentagon during tomorrow’s National Day of Prayer events because of negative comments he once made about Muslims, accused the Obama Administration of giving Islam a pass while persecuting Christians for their beliefs.

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80% of Americans Say Faith Important in Daily Life

by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist In the wake of the recent ruling by a Wisconsin judge that the National Day of Prayer was unconstitutional, eight out of ten Americans told pollster Rasmussen that faith is at least somewhat important in their daily lives with 64 percent saying they believe the ruling of judges is more anti-religious than the Founding Fathers intended.

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Lawmakers Will Fight For National Day of Prayer

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist Lawmakers from both sides of the aisle joined together yesterday to denounce the recent decision by a federal judge declaring the National Day of Prayer to be unconstitutional and announced plans to call on Attorney General Eric H. Holder to appeal the ruling.

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