What should a Catholic do when they encounter a wellness organization that presents itself as Catholic and yet promotes Eastern meditation techniques, naturopathy, homeopathy, and other New Age modalities? Can a Catholic healthcare provider really have it both ways?
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AV asks:
"Have you heard of something called Functional Diagnostic Nutrition? If so, is this program compatible with the teachings of the Catholic Church?"
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BW writes:
“My husband is a very sick man with several serious medical problems and while I was looking up different medicinal ways of helping him I came across a different way of practicing medicine which is called Functional Medicine. After asking someone about Functional Medicine I was told that it works, and many people have been healed by it. My concern is if you know anything about it and if you do does it have anything to do with New Age or the occult? I do not want us to get involved with anything like that.”
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