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Sharing the good news

As we journey through the final days of the Easter season together toward Pentecost, I want to express my gratitude for all of the good that you make possible through your support and prayers for our mission.

I’m reminded of my favorite passage in Sacred Scripture. If you’ve been to one of our Women of Grace events, then you’ve heard me proclaim it. The passage is Ephesians 1:3-4: “Praise be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has bestowed on us in Christ every spiritual blessing in the heavens. God chose us in Him before the world began to be holy and blameless in His sight, to be full of love.”

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Prepare yourself for testing


Happy February to you and your family, the month when we celebrate love, marriage, and the Holy Family!

Thank you for your continued partnership in our mission to transform the world one woman at a time. I'm so grateful for you!

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I have not stopped giving thanks for you.


Blessings in the New Year to you and your family!

Because of your generous prayers and financial support, Women of Grace came very close to achieving its year-end financial goal. We will begin 2022 in a position of strength.

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Whom shall I fear?


May the peace and love of Our Risen Lord Jesus Christ be yours today and always!

Thank you for your support of our mission to transform the world through our outreach and formation programs for women. If ever there was a time when forward movement was of the utmost importance, it is this time. With courage, vigor, constancy, and hope, we must rise up to meet the challenges of the day, always remembering that though they may be great, God’s grace is greater. The evil one would wrap us in chains of fear, panic, discouragement, and despair. But God wants to liberate us through His mercy, love, peace, and joy.

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Let us be an oasis of grace in the desert

May the peace and love of Our Risen Lord Jesus Christ be yours today and always!

Here we are closing in on the end of July and Fall is fast approaching! We are excited about what is on the horizon for these coming three months, and I am confident much will be attained for the glory of God with your continued partnership. In addition to a virtual online retreat we are planning for October, our first IN PERSON retreat since the Pandemic is happening in September, and I’m delighted to give you the inside scoop! This will be an event planned, sponsored, and executed by Women of Grace for YOU!

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Go into the world and proclaim the good news

Johnnette Williams, Joanne Kane, and Isabelle Liberatore

May the peace and love of Our Risen Lord Jesus Christ be yours today and always!

Recently, I had the wonderful blessing to speak to a room filled with women for the St. Timothy Catholic Women's Retreat at the Bethany Center in Lutz, Florida. It was a joy to be back in our home diocese of St. Petersburg and to be reunited with so many beautiful, familiar faces and many new ones. This is one of our largest "live" events since Covid began. It was pure joy!!! If you were not in attendance, I wish you had been there with us!

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