Blog Post

Sharing the good news

As we journey through the final days of the Easter season together toward Pentecost, I want to express my gratitude for all of the good that you make possible through your support and prayers for our mission.

I’m reminded of my favorite passage in Sacred Scripture. If you’ve been to one of our Women of Grace events, then you’ve heard me proclaim it. The passage is Ephesians 1:3-4: “Praise be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has bestowed on us in Christ every spiritual blessing in the heavens. God chose us in Him before the world began to be holy and blameless in His sight, to be full of love.”

What an amazing passage this is! It informs us about many great realities. It tells us everything we need to know about who we are – we are the chosen sons and daughters of the Most High God. And it tells us everything about why we are – we are called to be holy and blameless in His sight, full of love. And it tells us what Jesus Christ offers us through His passion, death, and resurrection – every spiritual blessing in the heavens! THIS IS TRULY GOOD NEWS! THE BEST NEWS OF ALL!

I can tell you frankly that this passage has held me in good stead from the moment of my reversion to the Church in 1981, throughout the various sufferings and trials I have experienced, and to the present day. Ephesians 1:3-4 has been the spiritual rudder that has guided me and led me to safe harbor many times over. And, I may even say, it is the rudder that has guided Women of Grace from its beginnings in 2003 to this present 20th anniversary year.

In these last 20 years, we have witnessed the marvelous ways God has increased both the outreach of Women of Grace and the numbers of souls that have been helped, healed, transformed, and saved through its mission. From the United States to the British Isles, from the British Isles to Europe, from Europe to parts of Asia, from parts of Asia to parts of Africa, from Africa to Central and South America, from Central and South America to parts of Australia, Women of Grace has been informing, instructing, and encouraging women in their gift of authentic femininity and the charisms that are theirs by virtue of it. In this day and time, could there be a more important message for women?\

The latest issue of our newsletter, Transforming the World with YOU, tells you about some of the ways God is using the efforts of the Women of Grace apostolate. In it, you will find amazing stories of healing and transformation. You will read about the incredible growth of our Spanish outreach. You will see the eyes of Young Women of Grace glitter with hope and joy. And you will read the poignant story of Carole and Fred Zupicich, Mission Partners who lost their daughter in a vehicular accident. They’ll tell you how Women of Grace has helped them lead others to hope and healing. (Click here to read the newsletter)

None of this would be possible without you – you make this Apostolate happen!

I’m so grateful to you for giving fiat to Women of Grace. It’s vitally important that we continue to offer programs to help women, girls, families around the world to experience the dynamic of God’s love for them and to be set free through it. Please consider making a gift of support today to help us in our mission. If ever there was a time when the world needed to experience transformation, it is this time. Women not only play a key role in this moment, but rather they are God’s secret weapon (Gen. 3:15). We need your help!

Know that my staff and I continue to hold you in prayer EVERY day along with our weekly Mass offered for your intentions. Let us continue to stand shoulder-to-shoulder, soul-to-soul for the Good, the True, and the Beautiful – Our Lord Jesus Christ.

With gratitude and prayers, Your sister in Christ, Johnnette Benkovic Williams Founder and President




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