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No "Opt Out" for Soldiers Who Disagree with Reversal of "Don't Ask Don't Tell"

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist During a question and answer session in Afghanistan, Defense Secretary Robert Gates told Marines that those who disagree with the government's decision to end the ban on homosexuals serving openly in the military will not be able to opt out of their enlistment.

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Amendment Introduced to Ban Same-Sex Marriage from Military Bases

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist In the wake of the Navy's aborted to attempt to authorize their chaplains to perform same-sex marriages, the chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Seapower has introduced a new amendment that will prohibit the unions from taking  place on military bases.

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If Homosexual Ban is Repealed, a Quarter Million Troops Will Leave Service

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist If officials decide to overturn the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy banning homosexuals from serving openly in the military, an estimated 264,600 men and women who are currently serving say they will leave sooner than they had planned.

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Marine Corp Commandant Defies Obama on Don't Ask Don't Tell

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist With a critical decision on the future of the controversial Don't Ask Don't Tell policy  looming in the near future, the new commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps has broken ranks with the president and the Secretary of Defense to say he believes allowing homosexuals to serve openly in the armed forces would be "disastrous to combat effectiveness."

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Government Challenges Suspension of "Don't Ask Don't Tell Policy"

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist The Obama administration has asked a federal judge for an emergency suspension of her recent injunction stopping the enforcement of the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy that prohibits homosexuals from serving openly in the military.

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Federal Judge Stops Enforcement of "Don't Ask Don't Tell"

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist U.S. District Judge Virginia Phillips has issued a worldwide injunction to halt enforcement of the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy which bans openly gay men and women from serving in the military.

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Senate Fails to Pass Controversial Defense Bill

by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist The U.S. Senate may have dealt a death blow to any chance of repealing the military's "Don't Ask Don't Tell Policy" this year when the Senate Majority Leader was unable to muster enough votes to open debate on the Defense Spending bill to which it was attached.

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Crucial Vote Takes Place Today on Defense Bill Loaded with Radical Causes

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist The Senate may vote today to open debate on a national defense authorization bill that has been saddled with a variety of liberal amendments such as repeal of the military's "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy, overturning the prohbition on performing abortions on military bases and extending amnesty to illegal immigrants.

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