
Blog Posts

Why You Should Avoid Facebook Quizzes

TO asks: “What about those ‘quizzes’ on Facebook that come up with things like who is your guardian angel, what will your year be like, things like that. I play the quizzes just to see the results but I don't believe in them, even though it would be nice if they were true like meeting the man of my dreams this year, LOL. Should these things be avoided?”

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Can a Christian Be a Clairvoyant?

SP writes: “With demonic activity on the rise with support from the left and the media (i.e. TV shows “Lucifer,” “Long Island Medium,” etc.), I wondered if it is possible for one to be a legitimate clairvoyant and be Christian as well. Is it possible for ANYONE to be clairvoyant? Are there those who can “see” into other’s minds, solve crimes, etc.? If so, is this a “gift” from our LORD or always demonic in origin. Scripture is clear that occult activity is an abomination to GOD. But is it possible that certain kinds of clairvoyant ability is GOD’s will?”

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Are Gaia Cards Okay to Use?

gaia cardsSG writes: “Might you be so kind as to let me know if this new stuff I have learned from a new friend is going against GOD our only healer or if I am ok using these cards . . . as positive things and affirmations? I was born and raised Baptist now Methodist and I need to know as I am very unsure and don't want to open the door to witch craft.”

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Relative Drags Family into Fortune Telling

Sonia Choquette Sonia Choquette

MMA writes: “One of our relatives brings a deck of cards called  'Trust Your Vibes' by Sonia Choquette to every family get together. She calls them angel cards & is very insistent about wanting to do cards to "help" everyone. This has been the cause of much anxiety for us. I have already said how I feel about this. Is there any more we can say to her to make it clearer?”

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Does Feng Shui Belong in the Classroom?

empty classroomCC writes: "I attended a workshop for early childhood ed and the presenter urged us all to change our curriculums to really emphasize a nature/environmental focus by bringing the outdoors inside and continue with lessons and experiences continuously taking the kids’ lead in areas of interest.  She used words like POSITIVE ENGERGY in the classroom and even showed how to arrange it using lights and shadows and organizing materials using specific colors in a color pattern; also bringing in a couch, stones and water fountains instead of tables and desks. I couldn’t stand being there because it felt like a new age atmosphere. We were silent for awhile. She asked us what we thought almost like she was hoping for a positive response. Do I have reason to be concerned or am I overreacting?"

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