Since the advent of birth control more than 50 years ago, women have repeatedly been told that the drugs and devices being offered to help them avoid pregnancy are “safe and effective.” We’re told that the “small percentage” of women who experience adverse reactions is so minimal the risks simply don’t outweigh the benefits.
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A shocking report by an internationally known UN watchdog group reveals the lengths U.S. agencies and the Gates Foundation will go to in order to conceal evidence that an injectable contraceptive being heavily promoted to African women is endangering them.
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A human rights organization is demanding that Congress end all federal funding for Depo-Provera, an injectable contraceptive/abortifacient that causes serious side effects.
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A new study found that women who use depo provera, a type of injectable contraceptive, have a 2.2 fold increased chance of developing breast cancer.
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Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Funny how reproductive issues are always described as a private matter between a woman and her doctor until it comes time to pay the bill - then it's always a very public matter.
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By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist
Planned Parenthood has launched a program in rural Ecuador that trains teens aged 11-19 to inject other teens of Depo-Provera, a contraceptive that prevents ovulation and is known to cause dangerous and irreversible bone density damage.
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