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Catholic School Principal: Why I Encourage Others To Join the Women of Grace Study Program

Joni Duos Mrs. Joni Duos, Principal, Our Lady of Fatima School, Lafayette, LA

As a Catholic school Principal of 930 students, my life is very busy but I get to be part of an all girls catholic school and that's an amazing thing. As a mother of two children and 4 grandchildren, my life is full of activity. As a wife, sister and daughter, my life is full of obligations. Time is scarce, energy is never enough and my rope of life seems to want to unravel quite often!

My life is no different than the lives of most other women. We have many of the same roles and have our own challenges, possibly some in the same areas and some in different areas. The bottom line is that because of these roles and these challenges we all have struggles in finding the time to join another organization, sign up for another class, or participate in another workshop. But quite often these are the places that we receive precious gifts, that we become fulfilled.

The main gift that I received from participating in the Women of Grace® Study Program was the tools to make my life less difficult and less stressful. I do not know one woman who would not want that gift! The entire program was informative, educational, and spiritual. Some of the information shared through the program was new to me and I grew through this new knowledge. Some of the information was information that I had heard before, but information that can never be heard enough!

There is homework associated with the program, but it is organized in such a way that each participant has a short assignment that is not too intense or too time consuming. During the meetings, each member shares their section of the assignment. It is in this sharing that much of the learning of the Catholic faith takes place.

The bond that is formed between the group members is special and sacred. It will never be broken or forgotten. The intimate sharing that is experienced during the meetings soothes the heart of each woman. The role of women in society and in the church as being irreplaceable is reaffirmed. And the role of women as mothers, the mothering that we are called to do not only to our children but to each other, is reaffirmed. I felt validation that the feelings that I have as a woman and mother and the experiences that I have as a woman and mother are feelings and experiences felt by all women and that was added comfort for me. I gained a higher respect for the feelings of others and where they are in their faith journey.

The greatest benefit I received from the Women of Grace experience is difficult to put into words because it is more about a positive spiritual feeling and emotion. The program has shown me how to lessen the load and how to release that feeling of wanting to always be in control and fix things when their is conflict. It was a reminder that there is a reason why all things happen and there is a much larger plan that is beyond our understanding. So let go and just have faith!

For more information on how you can bring the Women of Grace® Study Program to your area, please email us at or call 1-800-558-5452.




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