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Cranial Osteopathy, Jin Shin Jyutsu

K writes: “I am Catholic and have been going to an MD who practices cranial biodynamic osteopathic manual medicine and a homeopath for several years. I also have been doing self help with Jin Shin Jyutsu. I went to these practitioners because going to the regular doctors who prescribe the chemical drugs was making me sicker. . . " . . . Some of the drugs such as antibiotics have been giving me heath problems which I have now had for 15 years. I want to improve my health if possible, but not by risking eternal life with God. If you could help me I would be so grateful. . . .  I've asked my pastor before and he said whatever I wanted to do was ok, but after watching your show on EWTN last night I am concerned. Below are links to the websites for the practioners I use.”   I’m afraid that I have little good news to report on any of these practices, all of which are connected with either the New Age and/or the occult. The link you provided to the “Ojai Healers” website was particularly disturbing. As stated in its own words, “Ojai has been renowned as a healing destination for over 100 years, and a spiritual community with its beginnings in the 1920's, when J. Krishnamurti and Annie Besant first visited Ojai.” What the site doesn’t explain is that Annie Besant was the disciple of Helene Blavatsky, the founder of theosophy, a Gnostic “religion” that combines pantheistic and occult beliefs and has been condemned by the Catholic Church. When Blavatsky died, Besant took over as head of The Theosophical Society. Krishnamurti was her protégé, a man she groomed and planned to introduce to the world as the “new Messiah.” The medical care being offered at Ojai today by the Romanian doctor Tudor C. Marinescu, MD, PhD, which includes the cranial biodynamic osteopathic manual medicine K mentions in her letter, appears to be an eclectic mix of medicine and New Age techniques. Claiming to heal mind, body and spirit, the center's body services include comprehensive health care alongside Yoga, Reiki and Feldenkras (a New Age method of health care based on the belief that there is no separation between mind and body and that learning how to move better will improve overall well-being). The list of offerings for spiritual healing include the use of Shamans and spiritual intuitives (occult).   Cranial biodynamic osteopathic manual medicine, also known as cranial osteopathy, is a belief that the skull bones can be manipulated to relieve pain (especially of the jaw joint) and remedy many other ailments. While osteopathy in general is a legitimate medical practice, this particular concept has many critics both within the medical community and within osteopathy itself. A systematic review of studies regarding cranial sacral therapy by the University of British Columbia found no “valid scientific evidence that craniosacral therapy provides a benefit to patients.” Even more alarming, it reports “adverse events” resulting in head-injured patients following cranial sacral therapy. Jin Shin Jyutsu is also problematic. It claims to be “an ancient oriental art of harmonizing life energy within the body” that is said to predate “Buddha and Moses.” It involves the application of the hands for the purpose of balancing the flow of life energy in the body. But this “life energy” does not pertain to any of the physical energies known to science. Rather, it purports to be an energy that permeates the entire universe. (For more information on Energy medicine, see /?p=4 ) As the Jin Shin Jyutsu website explains, “A practitioner of Jin Shin Jyutsu is not the "do-er", s/he simply assists in the flow of an infinite supply of universal energy.“ During a typical session, the practitioner “listens” to the energy pulses in the wrists, then employs a “harmonizing sequence” or “flow” they believe can unblock particular energy pathways and restore the person “to the energy rhythm of the universe.” These are pantheistic beliefs that are not compatible with Christianity. In fact, in the document, Jesus Christ, the Bearer of the Water of Life, the Pontifical Councils specifically refer to these energies as a “New Age god.” Christians, on the other hand, believe God is a personal being who created the universe “in order to share the communion of His life with creaturely persons.” Even though K’s pastor appeared to approve of all these practices, I doubt he took the time to research them and probably would have a different opinion had he done so. K, my best advice to you is to stop frequenting these healers and turn your full attention to the greatest healer who ever lived, Jesus Christ. Make a fresh start by making a good confession of any and all involvement you've ever had with the New Age and get rid of anything (books, CD's, even jewelry or other objects) associated with the New  Age. Even if you’ve prayed for decades, renew your fervor and turn to Him again. As you know, He can heal you either through His own actions or by leading you to the proper physician. Pray to Him with as much faith as you can muster, while asking Him to “forgive my unbelief”.  He will hear you and He will answer, either by leading you to a healing or giving you the grace to suffer alongside Him for the sake of the world. I can’t imagine how much more favorable your prayers will be after you give up these ungodly practices just because you don't want to offend Him. He will reward you mightily for such a courageous act of faith and loyalty! In the meantime, ask the Holy Spirit for the gift of fortitude and patience, which is what all Christians need to endure hardships that seem to drag on and on - and keep us posted of your progress. We’ll all be praying for you!   




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