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Former Planned Parenthood Director Launches Tell-All Book Today

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist The former director of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Bryan, Texas, who became pro-life after witnessing an ultrasound-guided abortion, is telling the shocking truth about the abortion industry in a book being released today by Ignatius Press UnPlanned, by former Planned Parenthood employee Abby Johnson, is a unique collaboration between three giants in the Christian publishing field - Tyndale Press, Focus on the Family and Ignatius Press. The joint venture is the result of a realization that Johnson's revelations deserve the maximum amount of exposure. So unprecedented is her behind-the-scenes look at the abortion industry that Planned Parenthood tried to have the book stopped. They failed, and the public will now be able to see that the abortion industry, which likes to couch its services in the most compassionate terms about their commitment to serving women's rights, is actually a money-making machine like any other U.S. business. For instance, during an online webcast last night with David Bereit and Shawn Carney of 40 Days for Life, Johnson related a story that appears in the book about how she was told to stop giving free services to women in need. Because she had always been told that Planned Parenthood was a non-profit that was not trying to make money, she questioned the directive. "I was told 'non-profit is a tax status, not a business status'," Johnson says. The book also contains details about how the abortion giant was always pressuring clinic directors to increase their monthly quota of abortions at the clinic because these procedures were more profitable than family planning services. This was especially disturbing to Johnson because one of the ways they wanted to drive up the number of abortions was by increasing the use of chemical abortifacients such as RU-486. Johnson, who personally experienced complications from the drug, was concerned about the women who were being given RU-486 even though her clinic had no physician on staff to help anyone who experienced problems. Johnson's book also details how Planned Parenthood is willing to lose federal Title X  funds that are earmarked for family planning because "their abortion business is more than keeping them afloat," she says. “Stories like (Abby’s) have a purpose,” says Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, and the Pastoral Director and Chairman of Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries. “If we can better understand why someone has an abortion or how someone gets into the abortion industry and then how she comes out,we can come to understand the key to how our entire society can begin to emerge from the darkness of abortion. Archbishop Charles Chaput of the Archdiocese of Denver says the book is "Beautifully written, intimate and honest. A wonderful portrait of the power of truth and grace working in the human heart.” Author Peter Kreeft calls the book “A compellingly candid story! Not argument or ideology but data — first-person facts and utterly honest feelings.” UnPlanned is not an easy book to read, Johnson says, but it's also not an easy book to put down. “Here’s my question for you,” she writes in “A Note from Abby Johnson,” which immediately precedes Chapter 1: “…are you ready to look through the (pro-life/pro-choice) fence and see goodness, compassion, generosity and self-sacrifice on the other side? Did you just feel yourself squirm? If so, welcome to my journey.” Unplanned can be purchased from Ignatius Press. © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly®/Women of Grace®




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