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Victim of Forced Abortion Sues Doctor

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist A 20 year-old Michigan woman is suing a controversial abortionist for forcing her to have an abortion after she changed her mind during the procedure. ABC News is reporting that Caitlin Bruce is suing controversial abortionist Alberto Hodari of the Feminine Health Care Clinic in Flint, Michigan for failing to honor her request to discontinue an abortion he performed on her in April, 2008. Bruce claims she arrived at the clinic that day very nervous and uncertain about whether or not she wanted to go through with the abortion. She was 18 at the time, unemployed and six weeks pregnant by a much older boyfriend. I was really confused, asking everybody else what I should do. Everybody told me, 'You were too young,'" she said. "What I really wanted to hear was, 'We'll help you out.'" Her father convinced her that the best thing for her would be to terminate the pregnancy, but on the day of the abortion, when a technician performed a sonogram and handed her the picture of her 6-week-old fetus, she began to seriously question her decision. "I sat in the room for like five minutes and cried," she said. Later, during the examination by Dr. Hodari, she told him how nervous she was. "He was just telling me you'll be okay," she said. "It'll be fine. It's a quick procedure. It'll just feel like a cramp in your stomach." Bruce claims that just as the procedure began, she changed her mind and told the doctor to stop. He refused. She was then pinned down, her mouth covered to muffle her screams, while the pregnancy was terminated. "This is a question about choice,” said her attorney, Tom Pabst. “Who makes the decision here? He told her she could back out any time. Who does he think he is?" Hodari's lawyer, Steve Weiss, said the lawsuit was "baseless" and claims Bruce changed her mind too late, leaving the doctor with no choice but to finish the procedure or risk endangering her life.  This is not the first time Hodari, who is known in pro-life circles as "Hodari the Hacker", has been accused of performing forced abortions on women. In one case, a 16 year-old who wanted to keep her baby was taken to one of Hodari’s clinics by her 40 year-old boyfriend under the pretense of receiving a routine obstetrical exam when the abortion was performed. Attempts to have Hodari charged failed when he produced a consent document supposedly signed by the girls’ mother, even the mother says she was never at the clinic. More than a dozen lawsuits have been filed against the doctor and he has been charged with the deaths of several women.  Bruce could have been another fatality had she gone through with plans to kill herself several weeks after the traumatic episode. She claims to have been in her car at the top of a hill, prepared to kill herself by speeding into a building when a phone call from her mother saved her life.  "My therapist had to convince me this wasn't my fault what happened. It was his fault because I told him to stop," she said. Shortly after this, Bruce got pregnant again and gave birth to a baby girl last year who she is now raising with her boyfriend. "I still have my bad days," she said. "My therapist taught me how to work through them because I have to take care of my daughter. I can't have her be the victim of my depression," Bruce said. While she believes in a woman's right to have an abortion, she says women should consider their options more carefully that she did. "If you want to have an abortion that's your choice," she said. "A lot of women think of it as an easy out, but it's not." © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly®/Women of Grace®




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