SM asks: "
Now that I'm beginning to learn more about the New Age and the occult, I've become concerned about a children's game we used to play at sleepovers where we used to levitate one another by using just one or two fingers on each hand. The person would lay on the floor and we'd encircle them, everyone with one or two fingers slipped under their body. We'd say some kind of chant and then, on the count of three, lift them into the air. Are you familiar with this game and were we inadvertently consorting with occult powers when performing this trick?"
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September 15th
St. Teresa of Avila
1515- 1582
I’d like to cut right to the chase: In this little blog on St. Teresa of Jesus (Avila), who we Discalced Carmelites call “Our Holy Mother,” I’ll simply share three ways in which her life and teaching on prayer has touched my life. Hopefully some of these insights will enrich you as well.
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August 23
"An intelligent mind is simple and teachable; it sees its faults and allows itself to be guided. A mind that is dull and narrow never sees its faults even when shown to them. It is always pleased with itself and never learns to do right."
-St. Teresa of Avila