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Pride is an illusion

August 5
"Pride is an illusion, a lie and a thief. And since it is a truth of faith that we are nothing, he who esteems himself and thinks that he is someone is a seducer who deceives himself."
-St. John Eudes
Today's Reflection:
Why is pride so lethal to the spiritual life? How does pride seduce us? (See tomorrow's Grace Line for one saint's explanation.)

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Lovers of Jesus Christ crucified

June 23
"Crosses, contempt, sorrows and afflictions are the real treasures of the lovers of Jesus Christ crucified."
-St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
Today's Reflection
Suffering is a hard pill to swallow. It takes great receptivity, trust, and surrender. Pray for the grace to embrace the crosses, contempt, sorrows, and afflictions the Lord permits to send your way.

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O Heart all lovable

June 22
"O Heart all loveable and all loving of my Saviour, be the Heart of my heart, the Soul of my soul, the Spirit of my spirit, the Life of my life and the sole principle of all my thoughts, words and actions, of all the faculties of my soul and of all my senses, both interior and exterior. Amen.
-St. John Eudes
Today's Reflection
Imagine what the world would be like if we lived this prayer.

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Hearts of Jesus and Mary: Unfathomable Depths of Love

The heart that resembles that of Christ more than any other is without a doubt the Heart of Mary, His Immaculate Mother, and for this very reason the liturgy holds them up together for our veneration” (Pope Benedict XVI).

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Giving Ourselves to God

August 19

August 19

Feast of St. John Eudes (1601 – 1680)

 "Let us therefore give ourselves to God with a great desire to begin to live thus, and beg Him to destroy in us the life of the world of sin, and to establish His life within us."

                                                                                     -St. John Eudes

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