Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
The cinematography, music, and dancing in the wildly popular new movie, Wicked, are truly spectacular – but don’t let the stunning visuals fool you. This film is riddled with mixed messages about good and evil that should concern parents.
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TG asks:
“I have some questions about white witchcraft. What is it? How is it different from black witchcraft or other occult practices? What is the Catholic church’s teaching on this subject?”
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AL writes: “A friend of mine watches a tv series on Hallmark channel called “Good Witch,” and she doesn’t understand why I’ve chosen not to watch it. She thinks it’s just because it has the word “witch” in the title, but I’ve tried to explain to her that it’s more than that, that the show seems to have a connection to the New Age cult and that, even if the magic in the show really is harmless, I would rather watch something else just to be safe. I’ve also researched the show a lot and what alarms me is that there a lot of witch blogs where the witches…that they love the show because it portrays witches as good, ordinary people. So, my question for you is, do you believe that we, as Catholics, should not watch 'Good Witch?' And if so, what are your reasons for it?"
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