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More Donor-Conceived Children Searching for Siblings
Poor Catechesis: Catholics Think IVF is Okay
Womb Rental Business Thriving in India
Poor women desperate for financial assistance are lining up alongside couples longing to conceive in a fertility clinic near New Delhi's whose owner says business is booming.
Free Sperm Now Available on the Internet
In order to avoid the high price of sperm banks, women are turning to the vast underground Web world of free sperm donation, a practice that comes at a low cost, but with very high risks.
In Pursuit of the Perfect Sperm
Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
The quest for the perfect baby has reached new lows. Instead of falling in love with the right man, getting married and accepting the children God sends, women in pursuit of the perfect child are actually flying to foreign countries in order to be inseminated with the sperm of men who have the traits they desire in their children.
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