ML writes: "
Many of my friends, suspicious of modern medicine, are turning to nutritional therapies including essential oils. I dabbled in the New Age years ago, although the dabbling got me too close to the fire, so to speak. As my faith life grew, and I began to abandon my New Age philosophies, I began to experience bizarre physical symptoms which I knew were spiritual in origin. Thanks to my wonderful, faithful husband, I got to a priest for deliverance prayer.
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SH writes:
"I have been getting regular facials at an Aveda salon. At the beginning of the facial, she rubs scented oils on her hands and places the palms of her hands directly above my face and lets them hover there for about a minute as I breathe in the oils. Is this a form of Reiki? It makes me uncomfortable as I feel it is a sort of energy channel when she does this. Also, they offer placing hot stones on your hands or feet and wrapping them in a towel during the facial. Is this ok?"
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PC asked:
“What is so New Age about Aromatherapy? Isn’t it just using a diffuser to enjoy the scents of essential oils?”
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