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St. Patrick’s Cathedral Profaned by Trans Activists

Photo courtesy of Wikicommons Images, Steven Kelley, CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED)

After deliberately hiding their true intentions, transgender advocates were able to secure St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York for a funeral service for a well-known trans activist. The event was so blasphemous, the Archdiocese conducted a Mass of Reparation.

The Catholic News Agency is reporting on the Feb. 15 funeral service for Cecilia Gentili, a man who identifies as a woman, who worked to decriminalize sex work in New York, fund-raised for transgender causes, and lobbied for “gender identity” to be added as a protected class to the state’s human rights laws. In addition to being an illegal alien, Gentili was also a drug addict, prostitute, and atheist.

As the service got underway, the Cathedral quickly filled with men and women dressed as the opposite sex, many in bizarre and scanty attire. One wore a boa made of $100 dollar bills while others wore short skirts, fishnet stockings, and gawdy make-up. The mourners quickly built an impromptu shrine to Gentili near the altar that contained flowers and images of the man, one of which depicted him with a halo. The shrine was also embellished with Spanish words for “transvestite”, “whore”, “blessed”, and “mother”.

The presider, Father Edward Dougherty, referred to Gentili with feminine pronounces throughout the liturgy, and described the man as “our sister”. According to the Daily Mail, Father Dougherty “has previously written fondly of his first ministry in Tanzania where gay people face life imprisonment and legislators have pushed to make a gay sex a capital offense.”

While singing the Ave Maria, one of the mourners chimed in with the words, “Ave Cecilia” while another shouted, “St. Cecilia, Mother of All Whores.”

Even though supporters of the LGBT agenda such as Fr. James Martin expressed delight over the event, and secular media called it “no small feat” for the Catholic Church, it was soon learned that the only reason the service was permitted to take place was because it was booked under false pretenses. The person who made the arrangements, who goes by the name Ceyeye Doroshow, admitted, “I kept it under wraps.”

In response to the growing fury over the event, the Archdiocese of New York and the Rev. Enrique Salvo, Pastor of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, issued a statement expressing their outrage over the scandalous behavior that took place during the service.

“The Cathedral only knew that family and friends were requesting a funeral Mass for a Catholic, and had no idea our welcome and prayer would be degraded in such a sacrilegious and deceptive way,” the statement read.

“That such a scandal occurred at ‘America’s Parish Church’ makes it worse; that it took place as Lent was beginning, the annual forty–day struggle with the forces of sin and darkness, is a potent reminder of how much we need the prayer, reparation, repentance, grace, and mercy to which this holy season invites us.”

At the directive of Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York, a Mass of Reparation has been offered.

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