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Testimonial: Anna

We love sharing the inspiring stories from our Sacred Sisters of their experiences with Women of Grace. Today we're hearing from Anna. If you would like to share your story, click here! Stay tuned for regular testimonial stories.

"I am happy to share my story and hope it inspires others. I come from a broken home. After my mother divorced my father, she became involved with a religion that worshiped false gods. I was sent to Catholic school to receive a “good education,” but at home was living under a roof where many things took place that were contrary to the teachings of the Catholic faith.

As I grew into my teenage years, my search for “love” translated into behaviors that I am not proud of. Purity wasn’t explained properly to me and neither was the sanctity and importance of marriage. Licentiousness and the flesh became a part of my lifestyle throughout my 20s. I dated very casually, made myself too available, and was taken advantage of on a regular basis... I was addicted to pornography, which is a terrible rabbit hole to go down through and can spiral out of control. I constantly went to psychics, too.

In my early 30s I met a lovely young man and we started dating. He says he saw something special in me. He took me to Mass. I started attending more regularly. Then I became involved with volunteering at Church. We continued dating and we received the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony on a Marian feast day, December 12th. Soon after I got a job at a technology company that had Sirius XM. I was switching channels and happened to come across SiriusXM 130. Women of Grace was on and I listened for a bit. I liked what Johnnette had to say. I listened more. I prayed more. I started reading about Saints in bed at night. I learned about Padre Pio and so many other saints.

I became more and more involved with the Church. I requested confession. I started attending daily Mass. I was formally enrolled in the Brown Scapular. I got rid of all my idols. I stopped watching pornography. I wanted to make up for lost time with Jesus. My thoughts are on him most of the day. I became a religion teacher and currently I run the Wedding Ministry for the Cathedral of St. Mary. I am more in tune with Marian identity because of Women of Grace. My life has been transformed. I couldn’t get pregnant for years and after I surrendered my heart to Jesus, I became pregnant and had a little boy who I named Joseph. I want to go to Heaven. I want to be an example for others. Sinners can become Saints. I am living proof. Thank you, Johnnette, thank you Women of Grace.




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