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Embattled Planned Parenthood Turns to George Soros

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist Planned Parenthood is responding to a recent undercover sting in which its employees were seen giving guidance to sex traffickers, not by properly training their employees about the law, but by reaching out to liberal billionaire George Soros to help them strategize a response. is reporting that a blogger from the liberal website AlterNet participated in a conference call between Soros, Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards, and other liberal activists, on how to discredit the pro-life producer of the undercover videos, Lila Rose of LiveAction. The call was staged by Media Matters for America, the liberal "media watchdog" front group founded by Soros. “Cecile Richards urged progressive bloggers to spread the word that Planned Parenthood’s clients desperately need the health care provided to them by Planned Parenthood clinics, explaining that for many of the women who come in for basic gynecological services, Planned Parenthood provides the only health care they receive,” wrote blogger Adele Stan. Stan also said that Media Matters Executive Vice President Ari Rabin-Havt announced that his organization would continue to attack Live Action by “debunking the organization’s claims, and focusing on its methods” rather than calling on authorities to investigate the sex trafficking abuses at Planned Parenthood or holding the abortion business accountable. Stan's blog was discovered by Dana Loesch of the BigJournalism web site, who said she was not surprised that Planned Parenthood is focusing on discrediting LiveAction rather than correcting their own internal problems. “Instead of focusing on the fact that there is an organization who turned a blind eye to child sex-trafficking, an organization that receives forced federal funding, the group of senior fellows ostensibly chose the route which affords zero defense of women, born or unborn, thereby saving them from compromising their female-hostile ideologies: attack Lila Rose," Loesch writes. She goes on to say: “Apparently some in this country think that sex trafficking is a sin inherent to all other countries but the United States, as evidenced by their refusal to condemn what actually occurred on the Planned Parenthood videos. It’s a snooty, elitist view by people who make careers of condemning snooty, elitist views. Another contradiction which, alone, would preclude further criticism.” Loesch says the reason why Richards turned to Soros may be due to the fact that the mainstream media isn't "doing enough to reconcile what Planned Parenthood says about women’s rights to what their workers are seen on tape doing: talking to a pimp about underage girls as though the girls’ bodies were commodities. A cattle auction, but in an office.” © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly®/Women of Grace®




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