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Senate Votes Tonight on Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act!

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has scheduled a Senate vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (S.11) for tonight. If passed, the would extend federal legal protection not babies born alive during an abortion.

The National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) is reporting on the intended vote which should take place sometime this evening. In addition to offering legal protection to these innocent victims of abortion, forcing a vote on this bill will put lawmakers with extremist views on abortion on record for supporting infanticide. With virtually no public support for late-term abortion and permitting born alive infants to die, this could be very detrimental for those senators who are running for office in the upcoming election year.

“Pro-abortion Democrats who vote against this bill should be forced to explain why they are against giving a born-alive infant life-saving care,“ said Jennifer Popik, J.D., legislative director of National Right to Life. “Pro-abortion Democrats should be forced to explain why their allegiance to the abortion industry agenda should allow a practice that is tantamount to infanticide.”

However, as the American Family Association (AFA) warns, tonight’s vote is not a sure thing. This is because the vote was scheduled for a Monday night, a time when Senators are returning to DC from their home districts.

“Senators typically travel to D.C. on Monday for the week, and they record their attendance that evening by what is known as a "bed check" vote. Bills considered after check-in are typically viewed as low-priority votes—renaming a post office, for example,” explains AFA President, Tim Wildmon.

“If the vote had been delayed till next Thursday, Senate leadership, including Majority Whip John Thune (R-SD), would have had the opportunity to whip the votes during the week to build support for the bill. A Monday night vote weakens the ability of Senate leadership to leverage their majority position.”

Nonetheless, tonight’s vote will still force lawmakers whose abortion position is out of the mainstream to be revealed to the public.

After the disgust caused by the passage of New York’s radical Reproductive Health Act and comments made by Virginia Governor Ralph Northam about allowing born infants to die, this is a very vulnerable time for pro-abortion politicians.

Click here to find your Senator’s contact information and ask him or her to vote to save the life of innocent abortion survivors. Or use this link to submit an email through the AFA.

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