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Behind the Headlines: Pro Life Victories Continue

Recent headlines have been dominated by news of the passage of radical pro-abortion laws, but behind the scenes, pro-life victories are continuing to occur.

For example, the day after New York Governor Andrew Cuomo passed the Reproductive Rights Act, which allows the unborn to be killed up until the moment of birth, Ohio’s Republican Governor Mike DeWine said that he would “absolutely” sign a new version of the state’s proposed “heartbeat bill” which bans abortion after a heartbeat can be detected. The former bill passed both houses but died on the desk of former governor John Kasich who refused to sign it.

In addition, the Kentucky Senate overwhelmingly passed a bill yesterday that will ban most abortions in the state once a heartbeat is detected – around six weeks. According to the Associated Press (AP), the bill passed the overwhelmingly pro-life Senate by a vote of 31-6 on Thursday and now heads to the House which is also controlled of a majority of pro-life lawmakers.

“Kentucky is among several states where lawmakers are considering fetal heartbeat bills,” the AP reports. “Conservative legislatures are pushing increasingly strict anti-abortion laws in an effort to trigger a legal challenge to the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling that established a nationwide right to abortion.”

Pro-abortion activists are promising to challenge both laws in court, but this is precisely what the pro-life movement wants – to bring a case before the U.S. Supreme Court that challenges precedents that prohibit states from outlawing abortion before a fetus is viable outside the womb, which is now around 22 weeks.

Although there is some contention within pro-life circles about the possibility for success of this particular kind of bill, this is just one effort to ban abortion that is currently underway.

As LifeSiteNews reports, earlier this month, 21 states signed onto an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court urging it to review a lower court decision invalidating an Alabama ban on dilation and evacuation (D&E) abortions, commonly known as dismemberment abortions, which are commonly used in the second trimester. This type of abortion is performed by literally ripping the baby apart limb by limb. The Alabama law, passed in 2016, has been held up in court ever since.

On another front, a court has ordered the state of California to pay $399,000 to a crisis pregnancy center. The ruling, issued on Monday of this week, will force the state to pay legal fees to Mountain Right to Life Family Resource Center after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the state could not enforce a law mandating centers to promote abortion. The state must make payment by June 28, 2019.

“Pro-life pregnancy centers will no longer be compelled to speak a message that goes against their mission to save the lives of babies and women,” said founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel, Mat Staver, who defended the Center, in a press release applauding the decision. “This is a great victory for children, mothers, and families.”

Even though there is quite a bit of movement across the country in the direction of enacting liberal abortion laws, pro-life lawmakers are forging ahead with the passage of laws aimed at making sure innocent human life is protected.

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