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Parents Plan “Sex Ed Sit Out” For April 23

What started as a parents’ protest against graphic sex education in schools in Charlotte, North Carolina is now spreading across the country as fed-up parents decided “enough is enough” when it comes to programs that indoctrinate students in LGBTQ and “gender bending” ideologies.

The Washington Times is reporting on the grass-roots movement  spearheaded by mothers in Charlotte who are fed up with the pornographic content that has made its way into the classroom via sex ed programs. On April 23, they will pull their children out of public schools for a day after sending a letter to school principals that reads:

“Pornographic sex ed is being implemented across our globe in an attempt to indoctrinate our children with ‘sexual rights,’ ” the letter reads. “This is unacceptable and [I am] joining others both nationally and globally in taking a stand to say ‘enough!’ “

The Sex Ed Sit Out has partnered with several socially conservative groups including the Family Research Council, the American Life League and the Liberty Counsel.

A petition calling for an end to “graphic, immoral sex education” has garnered more than 20,000 signatures in less than a week.

Elizabeth Johnston, also known as the “Activist Mommy” is one of the protest’s organizers and said that if most parents knew what was in their children’s sex ed programs, they wouldn’t stand for it.

“Most parents do not know this is taking place in schools,” Ms. Johnston said. “The wool is completely being pulled over their eyes, and sometimes when parents catch on and start inquiring, bureaucrats are using deceptive means of not informing them what is being taught.”

She said the movement will continue to grow as parents become more aware.

In addition to the demonstration in Charlotte, protests are now being planned in Sacramento, California; Bloomington, Indiana; Austin and San Antonio, Texas; Spokane, Washington; and Martinsburg, West Virginia. Rallies also are scheduled in Vancouver, British Columbia; and Mulgrave, Australia.

Many more are expected to get on board before Monday’s Sit Out.

As the Times reports, the U.S. has no federal standard for sex education and schools in all 50 states can select their own programs. Only 24 states require sex ed in public schools.

Unfortunately, many schools and districts partner with Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, and gay rights organizations such as the Human Rights Campaign. This results in programs that promote same-sex relations and gender identity under the guise of “education.”

Planned Parenthood recently developed a “comprehensive” curriculum called Get Real that many schools across the country are considering adopting. This program doesn’t only teach the “birds and the bees” about male and female anatomy, it also offers lessons on “sexual identity” and “gender, sex, and shared responsibility.”

“Hundreds of North Carolina parents complained when Cumberland County Schools implemented Get Real in 2016,” the Times reports. “In response to the parental backlash, the county’s curriculum committee voted to end the program in February.”

These North Carolina mothers are a perfect example of one of the most important teachings in the Women of Grace® program - that of spiritual maternity. By exercising this gift through this Sit Out, they are protecting thousands of youth from the heartache and pain that comes from indulging in the immorality of our day.

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