Analysis of the latest annual report from Planned Parenthood found that in spite of making $1.46 billion in income, the nation’s largest abortion provider is experiencing massive losses of clientele and increasing facility closures.
The Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) is reporting on Planned Parenthood’s latest annual report which found that it performed more than 320,000 abortions and raked in $1.46 billion in income.
However, it’s not all good news. The company has been witnessing dramatic declines in clientele, in non-abortion services, and is experiencing rapid facility closures in recent years.
“Despite record income, non-abortion services are in decline, clients are abandoning them in droves, and dozens of facilities have closed. Meanwhile, abortions are holding steady at over 320,000 a year. Yet this report barely scratches the surface of the abortion giant’s troubles as it faces federal investigation for its role in the grotesque harvest and sale of aborted babies’ body parts for profit. Enough is enough.”
SBA List analysis noted the following key findings in the last five years of data from Planned Parenthood’s own annual reports:
• Total services are down nearly 13%.
• Prenatal care has dropped by more than 60%.
• Total cancer screening and prevention services have dropped by more than 41%. This includes a 39% decline in breast exams and a 43% decline for pap test.
• Contraceptive services are down nearly 28%.
• Planned Parenthood performed 321,384 abortions in 2016-2017, for a total of more than 1.6 million lives lost in the past five years.
• Planned Parenthood performed approximately 126 abortions (1,628,550) for every adoption referral (12,879) over that same period.
As the above numbers prove, even though Planned Parenthood provides more than 35 percent of the national market for abortions, it is not a significant provider of medical care in the U.S.
“Community health centers vastly outnumber Planned Parenthood facilities nationwide and offer comprehensive primary and preventative care for women and families,” Dannenfelser writes.
“Congress must follow through on the promise to redirect tax dollars away from Planned Parenthood without further delay.”
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