He might be born, and see the stars through eyes that were her eyes in Him! And might she trace her features in the molding of His brow? Hear her voice in His, and know the need He had of her, and uttered in a cry? And she…and…she might sing for Him at dusk! Might sing, but no, she could not dare this dream… But yet, it was a mother’s need to sing…And then a song the world has never heard, rising in the faintest strains of distance loveliness had moved along the silver shining of her dreams, like light returned with a purer light, until it came to her unfrightened. Caroling of angels’ praise, and love that lifts to lullaby became as one, and blended for a fragile music that was hers and only hers…
---My soul doth magnify the Lord:
…Because He that is mighty has done great things to me: and holy is His name.
For Reflection: Every mother dreams of the child she will birth. And as her time drew near, Mary’s thought of Jesus were marked by the quintessential ponderings of the pregnant woman. But hers were marked by something more as well. Her Son was the Holy One of Israel! In A Woman Wrapped in Silence, John W. Lynch speaks of this reality in poetic strain. Where do you see every mother in Mary’s musings, and where do you see that which marks her as the Mother of God? Of her thoughts, which echo your own longings?
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