Blog Post

Late Term Abortionist Shut Down

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

As of September 27, the clinic in which notorious late-term abortionist Leroy Carhart performed 2nd and 3rd trimester abortions has been shut down.

The Maryland Coalition for Life (MDCFL) is reporting that Carhart's clinic, Germantown Reproductive Health Services, was permanently closed this week. The closure came about when the owner of the property sold it to the MDCFL.

A second location, Prince George’s Reproductive Health Services has also been permanently shuttered.

In 2013, there were seventeen abortion clinics operating in Maryland. With the closing of these two clinics, only ten abortion clinics remain in the state. This accounts for a 40 percent decrease in surgical abortion facilities over the past four years in Maryland.

But Carhart fought to keep his clinic open.

“I am doing everything in my power to keep my practice open, and I am considering options looking toward the future,” he told the Washington Post last month.

He then reverted to the usual disingenuous "facts" by comparing his clinic - where the wholesale slaughter of viable infants took place on a daily basis - to other clinics that provide health care for women.

“It’s heartbreaking that anyone would want to take health care away from women and families by targeting our clinic.”

“It’s heartbreaking that anyone would want to take health care away from women and families by targeting our clinic," he told the Post reporter who did nothing to challenge him.

He then went on to promise to keep providing services until he was “forced to close our doors.”

Although he promised to reopen somewhere else, both clinics are now said to have been permanently closed.

"Since Carhart's arrival in Germantown, he has sent at least 10 patients to the hospital in an ambulance. And tragically, at least one patient passed away following a late-term abortion in Germantown. With the closing of Germantown Reproductive Health Services, we are pleased that women will no longer be subjected to these dangerous abortions performed by Leroy Carhart," said Andrew Glenn, Regional Director of MDCFL.

The pro-life group was instrumental in leading the opposition against the controversial late-term abortion procedures Carhart was performing since his arrival in Germantown in December of 2010. The abortionist moved his practice to Maryland after the state in which he had been practicing, Nebraska, outlawed abortions past 20 weeks – the point at which the unborn can feel pain.

“After his arrival, the local community and churches rallied together like never before to pray during thirteen Germantown 40 Days for Life campaigns, open a pro-life resource center across the parking lot from the abortion facility, and provide help and support to women through sidewalk counseling,” Green writes. “As a result of the faithful pro-life community over the past seven years, we have been blessed to witness over 400 women choose LIFE for their children over abortion.”

The MDCFL is grateful to everyone who helped to bring about this miracle for life and pledges to continue to work toward the end of abortion in Maryland.

In the meantime, they are asking everyone to continue to pray for Leroy Carhart.

“Pray that God will change Carhart's heart and he will receive God's grace that is able to forgive him of his sins," Green said.

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