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#DefundPP Protests Kick Off Today!

pp protest 2Thousands of pro-life Americans are expected to participate in the second annual National Day of Prayer and Protest Against Planned Parenthood which kicks off today and will last through Saturday, April 29.

#ProtestPP, a coalition of more than 70 state and national pro-life groups headed by three national organizations – Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, Created Equal, and the Pro-Life Action League - is coordinating the nationwide effort to keep the pressure on lawmakers to defund the abortion giant and redirect all of their federal taxpayer dollars to more comprehensive health centers that don’t involve abortion. Planned events include prayer vigils, rallies, marches and processions which will take place in cities across the country.

Specifically, this weekend’s events are calling for public protests in response to recent horrifying revelations about Planned Parenthood’s involvement in the illicit trafficking of body parts from aborted babies, which is all the more reason why their federal funding has to go.

In addition, protestors will attempt to draw attention to the fact that Planned Parenthood is a “bad actor” in our society. Aside from trafficking in aborted baby parts, they have also been caught shielding child predators, lying about what services they provide, deceiving government officials, submitting fraudulent Medicaid claims and defying state and federal laws.

In spite of this horrendous track record, they manage to keep their funding by perpetuating exaggerations about the health care they provide to women. In reality, they provide no mammograms, less than two percent of manual breast exams and less than one percent of pap tests. They offer no other basic healthcare treatment for women and no pediatric care, which is why four out of five American women never step foot inside a Planned Parenthood.

Because of the politics surrounding abortion, and in spite of the fact that Planned Parenthood performs over 320,000 abortions a year which accounts for three-fifths of their clinic income, their lobbying efforts have managed to convince too many lawmakers that without them, women will lose “affordable health care.” Therefore, the government should continue to pour $553 million a year into their coffers, money which is coming directly out of the pockets of federal and state taxpayers.

It’s time to say, “Enough is enough!”

If you’d like to show your support for real women’s health, which are the 13,000 community health centers across the country who provide comprehensive care rather than just abortion and a few other services, visit #ProtestPP to find a protest near you!

Click here for more information.

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