Groups of covens, occultists and various other “magical groups” around the country have announced plans for a ritual to take place tonight at midnight which is designed to “bind Donald Trump and all who abet him.”
According to Elle.com, a “mass spell” is to be cast upon Donald Trump at midnight tonight by witches from around the country and will continue “every night of a waning crescent moon until he’s driven from office.”
The specific spell to be used tonight is the concoction of Michael M. Hughes, who told Elle.com that he cobbled it together from multiple spells he saw circulating around private witchcraft groups.
It’s essentially a binding spell because “we're not wishing harm on anyone, we're just trying to stop the harm they're doing. It's not the equivalent of punching a Nazi in the face, it's the equivalent of tying him up and taking his bullhorn away,” Hughes explained.
A true mish-mash of witchery, the ritual involves the use of objects such as an “unflattering” photo of Trump, candles, bowls of salt and water which represent the elements of fire, water, earth, and air, a tarot card and an ashtray or dish of sand. Trump’s name is to be written on the orange candle with a pin or nail and the Tower card from a tarot deck propped against something.
The Tower card was chosen because it “represents ambitions built on lies, which are struck down by a lightning flash of truth,” Elle reports.
Ironically, the next step is to “say a prayer for protection and invoke blessing from your preferred spirit or deity” along with a reading of the 23rd Psalm.
An invocation is then made to the spirits of water, earth, fire and air along with the heavenly hosts, spirits of the ancestors and “demons of the infernal realms” to “bind” the president so that his presidency will fail and do no harm to anyone or anything.
Obviously, Hughes’ knowledge of the netherworld is limited because he fails to understand that the “heavenly hosts” never work in unison with demonic forces which is why reading a psalm from the Bible will do nothing to deter the dark forces being summoned.
And because God is in control of all powers, even the demonic powers being invoked in this ritual, these witches stand to do themselves more harm than they’ll ever do to the president.
But that’s no reason to take this kind of activity lightly. This is why religious leaders around the country are asking the faithful to take part in this spiritual war by using the far-superior weapons we have in our arsenal – such as those that belong to the source of all Power – the Almighty.
For Catholics, the weapon of choice is – and always has been – the Rosary, the same prayer that brought about the enormous naval victory of Lepanto and sent communists fleeing Austria in the wake of World War II.
Christians around the country are taking up the challenge as well.
“America’s born again believers should cover President Trump in prayer,” said Pastor Carl Gallups, author of When Lions Roar, to World Net Daily (WND).
“It’s obvious that the demonic realm is stirred by his presence. It’s also obvious that the antichrist agenda of the globalist community is going berserk over a Trump presidency. These are simply signs to those of us who know God’s word that President Trump is being used by the Lord in these prophetic times. Pray for him. Pray for our nation. And, then, get on with the work of the Kingdom.”
The faithful are being urged to keep the president and his administration in their daily prayers because the level of vitriol being leveled against him is a sure sign that the demonic is at work.
“It shows that the level of hatred against Donald Trump is generated by Satan himself,” said Jan Markell of Olive Tree Ministries to WND. “Donald Trump is not a perfect man. But he is trying to stop the runaway freight train of evil that has existed for eight years emanating out of Washington and the Democratic Party.
“The left is mesmerized by issues that tear down and that grieve the heart of God. Donald Trump doesn’t have the power to neutralize these people and their agenda, but he is trying to make significant inroads to stop the tremendous slide to the dark side in America. He has some solid Bible-believing Christians at his side. Together they can make a huge difference and repair some of the damage done by evildoers.”
Let us all join together in prayer for our nation!
O Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Mercy, at this most critical time, we entrust the United States of America to your loving care.
Most Holy Mother, we beg you to reclaim this land for the glory of your Son. Overwhelmed with the burden of the sins of our nation, we cry to you from the depths of our hearts and seek refuge in your motherly protection.
Look down with mercy upon us and touch the hearts of our people. Open our minds to the great worth of human life and to the responsibilities that accompany human freedom.
Free us from the falsehoods that lead to the evil of abortion and threaten the sanctity of family life. Grant our country the wisdom to proclaim that God’s law is the foundation on which this nation was founded, and that He alone is the True Source of our cherished rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
O Merciful Mother, give us the courage to reject the culture of death and the strength to build a new Culture of Life.
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