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Catholic Therapist Analyzes Anger at Women’s March

women's marchAfter studying the lewd and aberrant behavior on display at last month’s Women’s March, Catholic therapist Allison Ricciardi wonders what role abortion – and its caustic after-affects – may have played in the psychological states of the speakers and participants.

“Clearly many in the crowd had participated in abortion in one way or another. Some have had abortions, some have lost siblings to abortion, some paid for or encouraged the abortions of others,” Ricciardi writes for the National Catholic Register.

Calling the schizophrenic messaging of the speakers and marchers “dizzying,” she points out that abortion rights advocates claim that women can do anything they want – except when it comes to abortion. Then they have to have an abortion because they can’t handle the stress of raising a child on their own, balance motherhood with career or school, etc.

“They [abortion advocates] assume her inability to control her sexual urges or to choose suitable male companions that will respect her and step up and take responsibility should an ill-timed pregnancy occur. Showing no confidence in a woman’s actual abilities to handle challenges, abortion is the ultimate answer of despair that they promote. Short of standing by their sisters, abortion advocates proffer the easy solution that requires less of everyone — including them — but leaves the woman isolated and abandoned ultimately. They then deny her pain she should dare to express it.”

Abortion advocates also like to argue that abortion, being safe and legal now, means there are few, if any, negative effects of the procedure.

“Those of us in the mental health field who have counseled men and women hurt by abortion would assert the opposite,” Ricciardi says.

“Abortion hurts those who have them as well as those who participate in them. In addition it hurts the culture that permits them.”

Allison Ricciardi, L.M.H.C., Allison Ricciardi, L.M.H.C.,

Sold as a quick solution to an unwanted pregnancy, abortion becomes the root of more problems than the unwitting participants could ever begin to fathom, she adds.

“For many clients who present with other problems, such as depression, anxiety, relationship conflicts, eating disorders, and addictions, tracing those issues back to an earlier abortion is not uncommon.”

After 44 years of legalized abortion, if it were such a boon to women’s rights, then why was there so much anger, hatred and unrest evident at the March?

For that matter, why are 23% of American women on some form of anti-depressant medication and millions more are on anti-anxiety meds in an age of abortion-on-demand?

“If abortion evens out the inequities women suffer in society, then where is the peace they should evidence?” Ricciardi asks.

“One has to marvel at the increased degradation of women so prevalent in pornography, in entertainment, and in musical lyrics today. And yet instead of denouncement, it’s the supporters of “women’s rights” who celebrate such trash. Madonna, at nearly 60 years of age continues to sexualize her identity in a vain attempt to remain relevant. She promised sexual favors to men who voted for Hillary. How does she square that with her indignation about Donald Trump’s vulgar comments years ago? The schizophrenic messaging is simply dizzying.”

Instead of responding to God’s call to “be fruitful and multiply,” the women’s pro-abortion battle cry sounds more like “be fruitless and divide, divide, divide."

“Climate change, Black Lives Matter, resistance to a border wall, LGBT rights, transgender rights, hatred for Donald Trump and more competed for prominence in this Mix Master of wrath," Ricciardi observes. "What was promoted by the media as a unified march for 'women’s equality,' wound up seeming more a disjointed assortment of grievance mongers attempting to latch onto the teats of a mother whose milk has already poisoned them.”

While the pain and sorrow of abortion can be healed, the rancor and hatred displayed at the March indicates that this is not the case for too many women caught in the grips of its despair.

“Understanding this factor that might be underlying their rage can help us to recognize the need for prayer and mercy as we attempt to restore a culture of life and peace; a culture in which women may reclaim their honor instead of plunging from their pedestals into the dung heap of ‘equality’ that has robbed them of their inherent dignity. They deserve better than that,” Ricciardi writes.

“Arguing the issues will do little to change minds. This spirit of division truly can only be driven out by prayer and fasting.”

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