Blog Post

Questioning the Teachings of Matt Kahn

Matt Kahn & Julie Dittmar Matt Kahn & Julie Dittmar

We’ve had a question from a reader who is wondering about a man named Matt Kahn, an up-and-coming New Age guru who believes he can offer the world “sacred heart wisdom that invites human consciousness into the joy of liberated existence” (classic New Age non-speak) by introducing them to their true divine nature. Are his teachings safe for Christians?

No they are not. Because the main mission of Matt Kahn and his partner, Julie Dittmar, is to help people discover their true divine nature, Christians should avoid the teachings of this couple.

For those who never heard of him. Matt Kahn describes himself on his website as an author, spiritual teacher, and highly-attuned empathic healer who had a spontaneous awakening after an out-of-body experience at the age of eight. Since that time he has been having direct experiences with ascended masters and “archangels” (which means he's engaged in occult-based activity).

For those who are unfamiliar with the term “empathic healer”, this is another New Age invention. Empathics are supposedly highly sensitive people who can sense the emotions of others on deeper levels. Because it is believed that negative emotions can cause imbalances in the chakras (alleged energy centers for which there is no scientific evidence), people can resort to practices such as Reiki and acupuncture to restore the balance of this energy. However, many don’t know these negative emotions exist, which is where the empath comes in.

“An intuitive empath can recognize these emotions and feelings and bring them to light, allowing the person to properly process them, such as through therapy,” this website explains. “This can help to rebalance the life energy in the chakras and bring a person back to full health.”

Apparently, there are 10 levels of the empath, all of which involve the use of psychic power or mediumship such as telepathy, psychometry, geomancy, precognition and clairvoyance.

Kahn refers to himself as a “bridge” between the mystical realms and the path of awakening which inspires “life-changing energetic expansion” in his followers through what he calls “spoken transmission of presence.”

“Through the words Matt is intuitively guided to speak, an energy shift occurs to balance the right and left hemispheres of the brain, rewrite the subconscious mind, and unravel the overstimulated nervous system.” (No scientific proof is provided.)

As this site explains, everything Kahn says is “coming directly from the Akashic records [a theosophic term referring to a compendium of thoughts believed to be encoded on the astral plane] to assist you in resolving soul contracts, cutting old cords, and entering new timelines of spiritual growth and energetic expansion. . . As wisdom is transmitted from the Akashic records through his words, the sound of Matt’s voice transmits a healing energy that entrains your brain to higher states of consciousness and rewrites your subconscious mind with the highest wisdom of the Universe.”

In other words, he’s channeling spirits even though the same site claims they can’t call him a channel because “there’s no ego to move out of the way” (whatever that means).

He has authored a new book entitled, Whatever Arises, Love That, and travels the world with his partner, Julie Dittmar, a yoga teacher and “sound healer” who describes herself as a “one of the top-selling meditation guides in the U.S.” Dittmar claims to be a specialist in helping people to awaken to their one true nature via breath work, sacred chanting, Tibetan bowls and bells and didgeridoo. During the couple’s live events, she helps to “provide grounding for Matt’s transmission of energies.”

I could go on and on about Matt Kahn but I think this is more than enough to convince the discerning Christian soul that whatever Kahn is “channeling” and his partner is “awakening” is not something we should be involved in.





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