Blog Post

Why You Should Pass on a HealthScope Scan

healthscopeLB writes: “Is this [HealthScope] a scam? I’m considering purchasing a device.”

I don't know whether or not it's a scam, but the website offers no scientific studies to prove the efficacy of its product and there is no listing with the FDA showing indicating that this medical device is approved to diagnose illness.

If you’ve never heard of it, the HealthScope is a device used to screen the body for all kinds of conditions by analyzing the skin. The website provides little or no information about the device or its history, nor does it list any scientific support for its uses.

When I tried to get more information off of the site, I was required to “log in” first. An attempt to register was also foiled when I was asked to agree to “terms and conditions” which were not available to anyone except registered users.

The only place where this machine appears to be in use is in New Age “wellness centers” such as the Living Foods Institute which claims the HealthScope can check “ALL internal organs, glands, allergies, sensitivities, stress, lungs, hormones, metabolism, inflammation, liver, kidneys, thyroid, brain, heart, pancreas, adrenals and more.”

It goes on to say that it checks every vitamin and mineral level, amino acids, oxygen levels, toxins and pathogen levels as well as indications of metal toxicity. This technological marvel then charts what kind of foods you should eat and supplements you should use. The Institute charges $345 for a scan and a 12 page report on the state of the client’s health.

While it is true that the skin can show the first signs of serious disease, such as changes in the shape and color of moles to indicate skin cancer, I found no indication that a skin-testing machine can be used to diagnose the condition of major bodily organs.

It’s important to note that the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has certain requirements which must be met before a medical device can used for diagnostic purposes. Their database revealed no information on a HealthScope, which could indicate that it is being used without proper authorization.

I would avoid using – or purchasing – any such device (and there are plenty of them out there!) until the sellers provide the public with verifiable and credible information about the product.





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